Юридическая Под ред. Дорошенко А.В. Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Жанр: Юридическая
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 02.11.2018
ISBN: 9785392243341
Объем текста: 311 стр.


От редактора


Unit 1. Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation

Unit 2. Judicial System of the Russian Federation

Unit 3. Establishing a Legal Presence in Russia

Unit 4. Language Policy in the Russian Federation

Unit 5. Privatization in Russia

Unit 6. . Employment Law in Russia: Part 1 Arising of Employment Relations

Unit 6. Employment Law in Russia: Part 2 Remuneration and Working Hours Arrangement

Unit 6. Employment Law: Part 3 Rest Days and Social Security

Unit 6. Employment Law: Part 4 Internal Work Regulations

Unit 6. Employment Law: Part 5 Termination of an Employment Agreement

Unit 7. Property Rights in Russia: Part 1 Property Rights in General

Unit 7. Property Rights in Russia: Part 2 Mortgage of Real Property

Unit 8. Intellectual Property Rights in Russia

Unit 9. Promoting Foreign Investments in Russia

Unit 10. Issuance and Regulation of Securities in Russia

Unit 11. Banking in Russia

Unit 12. Currency Regulation in Russia

Unit 13. Taxation in Russia

Unit 14. Insurance in Russia

Unit 15. Insolvency in Russia

Unit 16. Competition Protection Law in Russia

Unit 17. Corporate Compliance in Russia

Unit 18. Energy Law in Russia (Natural Resources)

Annex I. Some useful cliches and linkers for summarizing

Annex II. Some useful vocabulary notes (Company Law)

Annex III. Employment Law Vocabulary

Annex IV. Articles devoted to the modern privatisation processes and competition in Russia


Answer keys to exercises

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Unit 4.
Language Policy in the Russian Federation


1. Here is a “word cloud” that comprises the words that will frequently appear in the texts below. What are these words associated with? Generate ideas about each word.

2. What is a language policy?

3. Why is language policy a major component in the formation of any state?

Legal terms

1. state language государственный язык
2. language policy правовое регулирование национально-языковых отношений, языковая политика
3. book-keeping ведение бухучета
4. tax reporting налоговая отчетность
5. constituent entity субъект (Федерации)
6. operating mode режим работы
7. trademark торговая марка
8. service mark знак обслуживания
9. enforcement наблюдение за проведением в жизнь
10. applicable language rule применимые нормы языка
11. issue an order выдавать распоряжение

Study the principle legislative acts in the field of Language Policy in Russia:

The Federal Law On the State Language of the Russian Federation Федеральный закон «О государственном языке Российской Федерации»
The Federal Law On the Languages of the Nations of the Russian Federation Федеральный закон «О языках народов Российской Федерации»
The Federal Law On Protection of Consumer Rights Федеральный закон «О защите прав потребителей»
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации


Exercise 1. Read the text about the language policy in Russia. Eight sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from sentences A-I the one which fits the appropriate gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Then answer the questions below the text.

Under Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state language throughout the territory of the Russian Federation is Russian. All official election materials, legislation, and other legal acts, must be published in the official state language. In addition, the Constitution upholds the rights of each of the individual republics within the Russian Federation to establish its own state language. 1________________. There are a few other principle legislative acts dealing with language policy in Russia, in addition to the Constitution. These are: the Federal Law On the State Language of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law On the Languages of the Nations of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law On Protection of Consumer Rights, and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1473). 2_____________________. All Russian state and municipal bodies, and all companies operating in Russia, including those owned by foreign investors, are required to use Russian in their activities, for example in book-keeping, tax reporting and office paperwork. Official paperwork in the national republics within Russia may also be conducted in those republics’ national language. The names of companies operating in Russia must be either in Russian or expressed in Russian transliteration. 3_________________________. The name of a legal entity in Russian and in the languages of the nations of the Russian Federation may comprise borrowed foreign words in a Russian transcription or in a transcription of the languages of the nations of the Russian Federation, except for the terms and abbreviations reflecting the legal entity’s legal form. A company whose name is inconsistent with the requirements of the law may be refused registration. The use of the word “Rossiya” (Russia) or “Rossiyskaya Federatsia” (Russian Federation) in Cyrillic in the name of a company requires a special permit from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, and exposes such company to certain tax consequences. 4_________________________. However, the use of words denoting ethnicity rather than the official country name, such as “Russkiy” or “Russkaya” in Cyrillic (translated into English also as “Russian”) does not require a permit. All advertising in the Russian Federation must be either in Russian or in the particular state language of the individual republic in which the advertising appears. Under the consumer protection regulations a consumer should be informed in a clear and accessible manner in the Russian language about the manufacturer (seller), the operating mode of its work and the goods (services) it produces or sells. Foreign languages or state languages of individual republics within the Russian Federation may be used in addition to the Russian language, in which case the communications in Russian and in the other language must be identical in their content, sound and form of presentation. 5__________________. For example, trademarks and service marks expressed in the original (non-Russian) language of the trademark and registered in Russia may be used without being accompanied by a Russian equivalent. In cases provided for in specific acts of Russian federal laws, a person who does not understand Russian is entitled to an interpreter. 6_________________________. There is no single state authority responsible for enforcement of the Russian language policy in the territory of the Russian Federation. The Russian Antimonopoly Service may penalize a company in violation of the applicable language rules with a fine and/or issue it an order requiring it to cease and desist from violating the law.

Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Учебное пособие по юридическому английскому языку подготовлено коллективом авторов кафедры английского языка № 1 Института юридического перевода Московского государственного юридического университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА). Пособие содержит тексты на английском языке и упражнения, отражающие юридические понятия и категории российского права. Учебное пособие рекомендовано к применению на практических занятиях по юридическому английскому в юридических вузах. Также данное пособие может оказаться полезным для магистрантов, аспирантов, сотрудничающих с транснациональными компаниями практикующих юристов-переводчиков и занимающихся научной деятельностью юристов при подготовке научных статей и аннотаций на английском языке.

 Под ред. Дорошенко А.В. Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Под ред. Дорошенко А.В. Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Под ред. Дорошенко А.В. Russian Law for Communication in English. Учебное пособие

Учебное пособие по юридическому английскому языку подготовлено коллективом авторов кафедры английского языка № 1 Института юридического перевода Московского государственного юридического университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА). Пособие содержит тексты на английском языке и упражнения, отражающие юридические понятия и категории российского права. Учебное пособие рекомендовано к применению на практических занятиях по юридическому английскому в юридических вузах. Также данное пособие может оказаться полезным для магистрантов, аспирантов, сотрудничающих с транснациональными компаниями практикующих юристов-переводчиков и занимающихся научной деятельностью юристов при подготовке научных статей и аннотаций на английском языке.

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