Экономика Максимов С.Н. Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Жанр: Экономика
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 16.01.2015
ISBN: 9785392175444
Объем текста: 329 стр.



Глава 1. Понятие девелопмента недвижимости и его содержание

Глава 2. Девелопер и его функции в процессе девелопмента

Глава 3. Девелоперская идея: от анализа рынка к проекту

Глава 4. Проекты девелопмента, их этапы и участники

Глава 5. Оценки и расчеты в процессе девелопмента

Глава 6. Методические и организационные основы управления девелопментом как проектом

Глава 7. Управление предпроектными исследованиями и разработками

Глава 8. Управление разработкой и согласованием градостроительной и проектной документации

Глава 9. Управление строительством

Глава 10. Управление маркетингом проекта

Глава 11. Управление финансированием проектов девелопмента

Глава 12. Управление стоимостью проекта

Глава 13. Управление рисками проекта

Глава 14. Организационные и стратегические аспекты управления девелоперскими компаниями



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Приложение 1

Приложение 2.



The boundaries of a plot bordering and physically touching an adjacent property. 

Мета, граница, отделяющая прилегающие владения.

Accommodation agency 

[əґkɔməёdeɪʃn ґɪdʒənsɪ]

A business which provides details of housing accommodation to let, usually looking to the prospective tenant for a fee. 

Агентство по найму жилья.

Accommodation land 

[əґkɔməёdeɪʃn lжnd]

Land which, potential for development with buildings while having, is meanwhile put to temporary use. 

Застроенный участок земли, обладающий тем не менее потенциалом дальнейшего обустройства.



A natural increase in an area of land caused earlier by the gradual accumulation of silt from a river or the sea. 

Аккреция, нанос земли.

Action area 

[ґжkʃn ґɛəria]

An area selected by a local planning authority for comprehensive treatment by development, redevelopment or improvement of the whole part of the area. 

Территория развития.

Add-on interest 

[жd on ґinterest]

A method of charging interest, usually used in the financing of automobiles but sometimes used in real estate financing. 

Метод определения процентов при финансировании недвижимости.

Adverse gearing 

[‘жdvə:s ‘gɪərnɪg]

Where the total annual cost of borrowed money on a property or project exceeds the net rental income. 

Превышение платежей по кредиту над рентным доходом.



The transfer of an interest in property to another, eg sale of a freehold or grant or assignment of a lease. 




In property terms this normally means physical changes to a building to a building structure which may or may not amount to improvements.

Изменения, вносимые в физический облик здания или сооружения.

Alteration use value

[‚ɔltə’reɪʃən ju:s ’vжlju ]

The value of land and buildings which reflects a prospective use which is different from that of the current use. 

Альтернативная стоимость использования земли и зданий.



In property terms something tangible which makes the human environment more pleasant, eg a landscaped open space within an urban area or a swimming pool in a private garden. 

Благоустройство территории.

Amenity land

[ə’mɪnɪtɪ lжnd]

A term often used in town planning to describe an area of land which is dedicated to, or available for, public enjoyment, e.g. public open space or children’s play areas.

Зона благоустройства.

Amortization rate 

[ə’mɔtaɪzeɪʃən reɪt]

The rate of interest used for purposes of amortization.

Норма амортизации.

Amortization term

[ə’mɔtaɪzeɪʃən tə:m]

The period, usually expressed as a number of years coinciding with the useful life of an asset, over which the value of the asset is written off. 

Срок амортизации.

Ancient monument

[e’ɪnʃənt ‘mɔnjumənt]

A ‘’scheduled monument” and any other monument which, in the opinion of the appropriate Secretary of State for environmental matters, is of public interest by reason of the historic, architectural, traditional, artistic or archaeological interest attaching to it. 

Памятник архитектуры.

Ancillary accommodation

[ж’nsɪlɪərɪ ə’kɔmədeɪʃən]

The parts of a property which are put to ancillary use, e.g. offices forming part of a principally industrial property. 

Побочное использование участков недвижимости.

Ancillary use

[ж’nsɪlɪərɪ ju:s]

A planning term describing the use of a property in a manner different form, but functionally related to, its main use. 

Использование недвижимости по-иному, но функционально схожему с основным назначению.

Annual value

[‘жnjuəl ‘vжlju]

In general parlance, the rental value of an interest in property for 12 months subject to the benefits and/or disadvantages either attaching to the property generally (eg a planning restriction or estate covenant affecting use) or imposed on a tenant or prospective tenant by the terms of letting. 

Годовая стоимость ренты.



For capital gains tax purposes, any form of property, whether situated in the United Kingdom or not. 


Asset valuation

[’жsɪt ’vжljueɪʃən]

In the property market this expression is applied to the valuation of land and buildings or plant and machinery. 

Оценка стоимости активов.

Back land

[bжk lжnd]

Land having no frontage to a highway and, frequently, inadequate access for the purpose of development.

Отдаленные земли, непригодные для разработки.



In the Stock Exchange, a transaction involving the sale and purchase of securities. In this sense it does not imply a specially low price.

Покупка или аренда недвижимости.



Any increase in the value of property which arises from action by government, either local or national.

Возрастание стоимости недвижимости в результате деятельности муниципалитета или государства.

Bill of quantities

[bil əv ‘kwɔntɪtɪz]

А document, usually prepared by a quantity surveyor, describing in cost terms the detail of the quantities of labour, plant and materials геquired for building оr engineering works, together with the contractual conditions under which the works will be carried out. 

Документ, описывающий затраты на рабочую силу, материалы, оснастку здания или инженерные работы. Включены также контрактные условия.

Block plan


А plan, usually of small scale, showing in simple outline the build ings and other important physical features in an area and their relationship one with another.

План размещения объекта.

Bona vacantia

[‘bounə vəkжnʃɪa]

Goods and land without any apparent owner. In the case of a person dying intestate and having no relatives qualified to succeed, under the Administration of Estates Act ~ 925 all his property passes to the Crown.

Бесхозные земли.

Break clause


А clause in a lease which gives the landlord and/or the tenant a right, in specified circumstances, to terminate the lease before its normal expiry date.

Пункт в договоре об аренде, предусматривающий досрочное прекращение ее действия.

Break — event (point)

[breɪk’i:vən (poɪnt)]

In a cash flow appraisal of a project, e.g. house building for sale or a break-up operation, the time at which turnover is equal to the sum of fixed costs and variable costs.

Точка безубыточности (момент, когда выручка равна сумме стоимости основных фондов и оборотных средств).

Break-up operation

[breɪkʌp ‘ɔpəreɪʃən]

ln the property sense, when property has been acquired or held as a whole, the disposal of that property in parts to maximise the total sum realised.

Разделение недвижимости, приобретенной как единое целое, и владение ею частями с целью максимизации стоимости.

Break-up value

[breɪkʌp ‘vжlju]

The value of a specific property, e.g. an estate of land and build ings, based on the assumption that it is lotted and sold in parts, in such a manner as to achieve the best possible price. 

Стоимость конкретной недвижимости, основанная на допущении распродажи ее частями для установления наилучшей цены.

Bridging loan

[‘brɪdʒɪŋ loun]

Usually money made available, e.g. a bank loan, to a borrower enabling him to purchase a property. Repayment will normally be made from the proceeds of sale of the borrower’s existing premises. 

Банковский заем для покупки собственности, погашение которого происходит за счет выручки от продажи заемщиком имеющегося имущества.

Buffer zone

[‘bʌfə zoun]

А tract of land left undeveloped and often intensively planted with shrubs and/or trees in order to shield one land use from another, e.g. residential from industrial.

Буферная зона между жилой и промышленной застройкой.

Building agreement

[‘bɪldɪŋ əg’ri:mənt]

Ап agreement between the owner of а site and а developer, usu ally in the form of а licence, whereby the developer undertakes to construct the building(s) and on due performance becomes entitled to a lease of the land and building(s). 

Договор о застройке.

Building contract

[‘bɪldɪŋ ‘kɔntrжkt]

A contract between an owner or occupier of land and а building contractor, setting forth the terms under which construction is to bе undertaken. A contract will nоrmallу include details of work to bе carried out, basis of remuneration, time-scale, and penalties, if аnу, for failure to comply with terms of the contract. 

Договор строительного подряда.

Building contractor 

[‘bɪldɪŋ ‘kɔntrжktә]

A builder who enters into a contract with an employer under which he becomes obligated to carry out building or engineering works of a nature, extent and specification described in the contract and usually within a prescribed period.


Building cost indices

[‘bɪldɪŋ kɔst ’ɪndɪsɪz]

A series of indices published by the Building Cost Information Service of the RICS relating to the cost of building work. 

Строительные индексы.

Building line (set-back line)

[‘bɪldɪŋ lаin]

A line, usually at a fixed distancefrom the centre of a highway, in front of which building is not permitted. It is intended to enhance the environment by setting buildings back from a road, thus improving the appearance of the locality and increasing road safety. In cases of loss of use of land due to the enforcement of a building line, compensation may be payable.

Линия, отделяющая территорию возможной застройки от территорий общего пользования (дороги и пр.) («красная линия»).

Building scheme (scheme of development)

[‘bɪldɪŋ ski:m]

In property law a development project in which land is laid out in plots and sold to different purchasers or leased to different les sees, all of whom enter into restrictive covenants with the common vendor or lessor.

Разделение земель на участки с последующей продажей или сдачей в аренду при условии соблюдения единых правил застройки участков.

Building survey

[‘bɪldɪŋ ’sә:veɪ]

An examination of a building by a surveyor (which may include specific tests by the surveyor or other experts) in order to produce a written or verbal report. Such a report would coverfor instance the condition of the structure, fixtures and fittings, services and plant installations.

Осмотр здания экспертом и представлением им письменного или устного заключения о техническом состоянии здания.

Built depth

[bɪlt depɵ]

The maximum external measurement from front to rear walls of a building, especially a shop.

Максимальная внутренняя протяженность здания, особенно торговой точки, от передней до задней стены.

Call option

[kɔ:l ’ɔpʃәn]

1. A contract whereby one party has the option to purchase the otherparty’s interest in aproperty, usually within a specified time, at a stated or calculable price and/or in defined circumstances. It is binding against a third party only if registered as an estate contract. 2. The Stock Exchange term for a right to buy securities at a specific future time and at a defined price.

Опцион на покупку. Контракт, по которому покупатель имеет право на приобретение собственности по определенной цене.

Candle auction

[’kжndl ’ɔ:kʃәn]

An auction which is continued while a candle is burning. The last bid before the flame goes out, or reaches apredetermined level, is the one which is accepted.

Аукцион, проводимый в течение ограниченного периода времени («пока не догорит свеча»).

Capital allowance

[’kжpɪtl ә’lauәns]

Under the capital Allowances Act 1968 as amended, allowances available to owners against income tax or corporation tax for capital expenditure on certain buildings and structures (including site clearance). Generally the kinds of allowances available include one or more of the following:

a)    initial allowance — made to a person who incurred capital expenditure on the construction of a building or structure or on the purchase of a new unused one. In the case of plant and machinery the term “first-year allowance” is used instead of “initial allowance”. Currently (December 1988), applies only in enterprise zones.

b)    writing down allowance- made annually to a lessor or trader currently owning and/or using the eligible building or structure.

c)    balancing allowance/charge — an adjustment which occurs if the building is sold, demolished or ceases to be used within the period when the writing down allowance is still available, so as to adjust the total allowance to the net cost. Allowances are available for the following categories:

Industrial buildings — The rates of industrial buildings allowances (IBAs) have varied from time to time and are now restricted to writing down allowances, but a balancing allowance/charge may arise on disposal or in circumstances.

Hotels — Allowances on capital expenditure apply to costs incurred after April 11 1978 in respect of the construction, extension or alteration of hotels which qualify under the 1968Act as amended. Certain residential buildings — Allowances for residential buildings constructed for letting under the assured tenancy scheme (originally introduced by the Housing Act 1980and to be replaced on January 151989 by the scheme under the Housing Act 1988). Enterprise zones — Allowances of 100% for the construction of buildings within enterprise zones apply to qualifying industrial buildings, hotels and commercial buildings and structures constructed within 10 years of the designation of the zone. Buildings in enterprise zones are treated more favourably than similar buildings elsewhere.

Plant, machinery and equipment — Allowances for expenditure on the installation of certain plant, machinery and equipment in qualifying industrial, commercial and residential property. In addition, expenditure on fire safety, thermal insulation and safety at sports grounds may be eligible.

Other categories — Allowances may also be available on expenditure related to agricultural or forestry buildings, scientific research and variety of structures, e.g. sea walls and river embankments. 

Налоговые вычеты для собственника при внесении им капитальных улучшений в объекты недвижимости.

Capital expenditure

[’kжpɪtl ɪks’pendɪtʃә]

Money spent on acquiring or improving capital assets, such as land, buildings, plant and machinery, as distinctfrom expenditure of a revenue nature such as money spent on the maintenance of existing assets.

Капитальные вложения (инвестиции).

Capital value

[’kжpɪtl ’vжlju]

The value of an asset as distinctfrom its annual or periodic (rental) value.

Капитальная стоимость.

Catchment area

[’kжtʃmәnt ’ɛәrɪә]

1. The area of land from which water finds its way into a particular watercourse, lake or reservoir.

Бассейн реки.

2. By analogy, the area which contains those people who can be expected to obtain goods, services, employment or other benefits from a particular property. More especially related to retail premises, where the success of forecasting depends on the accuracy of estimating the number of purchasers (catchment population) likely to be attracted from the different parts of the area and the average expenditure which might be expectedfrom them. 

Район обслуживания коммерческих территорий.

Central business district (CBD)

[’sentrәl ’bɪznɪs ’dɪstrɪkt]

The functional centre around which the rest of a city is structured. Characterized by the presence of comparison shopping, office accommodation, leisure facilities, buildings for recreational use, public museums, artgalleries and governmental functions. Generally the area of highest land values within a city.

Центральный городской район.

Certificate of appropriate alternative development

[sә’tɪfɪkɪt әv ә’prouprɪeɪtɔ:l’tә:nәtɪv dɪ’velәpmәnt]

A certificate issued under section 17 of the Land Compensation Act 1961 by a local planning authority — or by the Secretary of State on appeal — stating what development, if any, would have been permitted if the land in question had not been proposed for acquisition by an authority with powers of compulsory purchase. Such a certificate is for the purpose of establishing the basis of compensation where the land is not zoned for commercial, industrial, residential or comprehensive development and is not in an action area.

Сертификат о возможных и приемлемых видах использования земли (Великобритания).

Certificate of value

[sә’tɪfɪkɪt әf ’vжlju]

1. A form signed by the purchaser of a property attesting to the price paid, e.g. for stamp duty purposes.

2. A document issued by the Lands Tribunal certifying the value of property being sold to an authority possessing compulsory powers. It is issued on the written application of the vendor and is of especial use to trustees in than the value certified is deemed to be the best price that can be obtained. 

Сертификат стоимости.

Charge by way of legal mortgage

[ʧа:ʤ bаɪ weɪ әf ’li:gәl’mɔ:gɪʤ]

A deed charging the mortgagor’s land in favour of the mortgagee to secure the repayment of the mortgage debt. This is one of the only two forms of legal mortgage subsisting since the Law of Property Act 1925 (the other being a mortgage by demise, is a lease subject to a cesser on redemption).

Закладная, по которой кредитор имеет право окончательного распоряжения недвижимостью, если должник не в состоянии погасить долг.

Charge certificate

[ʧа:ʤ sә’tɪfɪkɪt]

A certificate issued to a mortgage by the Land Registry, subject to deposit of the land certificate during the period of the mortgage, and giving evidence of his title.

Свидетельство о регистрации ипотеки.

Chargeable realized development value (CRDV)

[ʧа:ʤәbl ’rɪәlаɪzddɪ’velәpmәnt ’vжlju]

The realized development value on which development land tax was chargeable, is after allowing for any exemptions, reliefs or concessions available to the taxpayer.

Изменяющаяся стоимость земли в результате ее обустройства, определяемая с целью начисления налога.

Circulation ratio

[,sә:kju’leɪʃәn ’reɪʃɪou]

The ratio of the net internal area to the gross internal area of a building, usually expressed as a percentage.

Соотношение чистой и общей внутренних площадей здания.

Clearance area

[’klɪәrәns ’ɛәrɪә]

An area which is to be cleared of all buildings in pursuance of a declaration of the local housing authority, made under section 289 of the Housing Act 1985, where they are satisfied that the houses in the area are unfit for human habitation or, by reason of the narrowness or bad arrangement of the streets, are dangerous or injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the area, and that other buildings (if any) in the area are for the like reason dangerous or injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the area. Such a declaration is normally followed by the acquisition of the land and the clearance of the area, but under section 301 there is power for the authority to postpone clearance and render the houses capable of providing accommodation of a standard which is adequate for the time being.

Старая застроенная территория, подлежащая расчистке и новой застройке.

Clear height

[klɪә hаɪt]

Defined by the RICS/ISVA Code of Measuring Practice as “The height between floor surface and lowestpart of rooftrusses, ceiling beams, roof beams or haunches at the eaves”.

Габаритная высота (помещения) (Великобритания).

Clear title

[klɪә tаɪtl]

Unencumbered title to real property, against which there are no claims, mortgages, voluntary liens etc. 

Необремененный правовой титул.

Common area

[’kɔmәn ’ɛәrɪә]

The space within a shopping centre or other estate or campustype development which is not intended to be let. It may include landscaped areas, pedestrian precincts and service facilities. 

Территория общего пользования.



The carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other opera tions in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land. 

Девелопмент. Развитие, обустройство земель.



An entrepreneur who has an interest in a property, initiates its development and ensures that this is carried out (for occupation, investment or dealing) and from the outset accepts the ultimate responsibility for providing or procuring the funds needed to finance the whole project.




A term used in rating to describe a physical disadvantage (either permanent or temporary) suffered by a property in comparison with others of a similar class.

Конкурентный недостаток объекта недвижимости по сравнению с иными объектами данного класса.

District plan

[’dɪstrɪkt plжn]

In town or country planning a development plan, now known simply as a “local plan”, for the general control of development and use of land.

План районной (квартальной) застройки.

Divorce value

[dɪ’vɔ:s ’vжlju]

Additional value released by the subdivision of a property into two or more physical parts.

Дополнительная стоимость, возникающая в результате разделения земельного участка.

Entirety value

[In’taIətI ’vжlju]

In valuations under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, the capital value of a house in good condition and which vacant possession including any element of additional value attributable to the development potential of its site.

Cтоимость дома в хорошем состоянии без владельца, включающаяся в себя дополнительную стоимость, связанную с потенциальным развитием территории.



Land outlined on a plan which is regarded by the planning au thority as a physical extent of a village or small urban area for the purposes of planning control.

Части дома или сооружения, т. е. стены, крыша, окна, формирующие его внешнюю конструкцию.

Equivalent reinstatement

[ɪk’wɪvələnt rI:Ins’teItmənt]

A basis of compensation for compulsory acquisition being the “reasonable cost” of providing an equivalent property on a suitable site as a substitute.

Величина компенсации за принудительный выкуп, являющаяся «разумной стоимостью», обеспечивающей покупку эквивалентной недвижимости на соответствующей территории в качестве замены.

Facilities management

[fә’sɪlɪtɪz ’mжnɪʤmәnt]

The coordination of many specialist disciplines to create the optimum working environment for the staff.

Управление эксплуатацией недвижимости в целях создания оптимальной рабочей среды.

Fair value

[ fеə ’vжlju]

A sum which may be considered to be the fair and reasonable worth of a specific interest in property. 

Справедливая стоимость.

Fall-back figure

[fɔ:lbжk ’fIgə]

The minimum figure acceptable to someone offering his property for sale, lease or hire.

Минимальная цена, приемлемая для продавца, арендодателя или сдающего в наем собственность.



Chattels (or in Scotland “movables”) which are so affixed or “annexed” to land or a building as to become in fact part thereof, thereby losing their character as chattels (or movables) andpassing with the ownership of the land. Whether or not a chattel or movable has become a fixture depends on both the degree and object of annexation.

Неотъемлемые принадлежности объекта недвижимости.



A building or structure erected at the whim of an owner, often at great expense and usually serving no practical purpose. 

Излишние улучшения земли («каприз»).



An area of land in front of a building or building and used for such purposes as retail display, car parking and/or the sale of petrol. 

Придомовая территория, предназначенная для использования в коммерческих целях.

Forward commitment

[‘fɔ:wad kə’mItmənt]

In property development, an arrangement having the following features: an undertaking to make money available to the developer (or other type of entrepreneur) at a determinable future date; repayment at the determinable date of debts incurred by the developer in the interim on a specific project; the grant to the provider or the money of either a long-term mortgage secured on the completed project or of an interest therein. 

Соглашения, связанные с распределением денежных средств в определенные периоды времени в процессе реализации проекта девелопмента недвижимости.

Forward letting/ forward sale

[‘fɔ:wad ‘letIŋ]

An agreement to take a lease of or purchase a new property, or part thereof, made in advance of completion of the development or works on an existing building. Such an arrangement usually eases the securing of finance.

Форвардный контракт на продажу (аренды) создаваемой недвижимости.

Free and clear

[‘fri: ənd klIə]

Having no liens, is unencumbered title to real property against which there are no claims, mortgages, voluntary liens or other burdens.

Свободный от обременений и недостатков («свободный и чистый») титул (право собственности).



In general parlance this is used as shorthand for the tenure of an estate in fee simple absolute in possession.

Право свободного владения (право собственности) на недвижимость.

Front money

[‘frʌnt ‘mʌnI]

Money, or drawing rights, made available as initial short-term finance for the development of land.

Деньги, предоставляемые в качестве начального краткосрочного финансирования разработки земли.

Frontage method

[‘frʌntIdʒ ‘meƟəd]

A system for valuing land or building based upon the length of frontage to a road, street or footpath.

Система оценки земли или зданий, основанная на протяженности фасада вдоль дороги, улицы, пешеходной дорожки.

Froth income


A colloquial term for that part (if any) of an income which is above the open market rental value of a property at a particular time. 

Доход, превышающий рыночный уровень.

Future interest

[fju:tʃə ‘Intərəst]

A right to property not taking immediate effect, e.g. a reversion or remainder.

Будущие выгоды, связанные с объектом недвижимости.



The rehabilitation of a run-down residential area, usually an inner-city area, as a result of better-off people, often young professionals, moving into the area and improving their properties 

Реновация городских территорий, связанная с проживанием обеспеченных слоев населения.

Green field site


An area of land, usually on the edge of a town or city or away from substantial urban areas, hitherto undeveloped but for which development is now proposed.

Зона, прилегающая к городу, выделенная для обустройства.

Grey property (grey land)


A term commonly applied to property surrounded by or adjoining a clearance area, whose acquisition is reasonably necessary for the satisfactory development or use of the cleared area.

«Серая земля», примыкающая к обустроенной зоне и подлежащая покупке для оптимального использования данной зоны.

Gross development value (gross realization)

[‘grɔs dɪ’veləpmənt ‘vжlju]

In a residual valuation, the value of the proposed development as though completed at the time of the valuation.

Стоимость созданного объекта недвижимости, определенная на момент оценки.

Gross external area (GEA)

[‘grɔs ɪkstə:nəl ‘ɛərIə]

(formerly referred to as “reduced covered area” or “gross floor-space”) The aggregate superficial area of a building taking each floor into account. As described in the RICS/ISVA Code of Measuring Practice this includes: external walls and projections; internal walls and partitions; columns, piers, chimney-breasts, stairwells, and lift wells; tank and plant rooms, fuel stores whether or not above main roof level (except for Scotland, where for rating purposes these are excluded); and open-sided covered areas and enclosed car-parking areas; but excludes: open balconies; open fire escapes; open covered ways or minor canopies; open vehicle-parking areas, terraces etc.; domestic outside was and coalhouses. In calculating GEA, party walls are measured to their centre line, while areas with a headroom of less than 1.5 m (5ft) are excluded and quoted separately.

Общая площадь здания, измеренная по внешней стороне стен.

Gross internal area (GIA)

[‘grɔs In’tə:nal ‘ɛərIə]

Measurement of a building on the same basis as gross external area, but excluding external wall thicknesses.

Внутренняя площадь здания без учета толщины стен.

Gross replacement cost

[‘grɔs rI’pleIsmənt cost]

In the valuation of land and buildings in accounting for depreciation this is “... the estimated cost of erecting the building or a modern substitute building having the same gross internal area as that existing at prices current at the relevant date. 

Затраты на замещение здания с той же внутренней площадью, что и снесенное.



Real property.

Недвижимость, имущество.

Highest and best use analysis

[hаɪәst әnd bеst ju:sә’nжlɪsɪs]

In relation of property, an examination of best uses or activities carried on in a building or on an area of land.

Анализ наиболее эффективного и наилучшего использования недвижимости.

Home loss payment

[‘houm ‘lɔs ‘peIment]

Additional compensation to persons displaced from their dwellings as a result of compulsory acquisition.

Компенсация за принудительное отчуждение жилища.

Housing action area

[‘houziŋ ‘жkʃen ‘ɛərIə]

А residential area declared by a housing authority under section 239 of the Housing Act 1985 because living conditions there are unsatisfactory.

Зона ветхого жилого фонда, предназначенного для реновации.

Implied growth rate

[Im’pleId grouƟ reIt]

The annual percentage rate at which the rental income from a specific rack-rented property investment will have to increase. 

Прирост дохода от аренды высококонкурентной недвижимости.

Improved land (USA)

[Im’pru:vd lжnd]

Land having either on-site improvements, of-site improvements or both.

Земля, обустроенная непосредственно или за ее пределами.

Improved value (USA)

[Im’pru:vd ‘vжlju]

An appraisal term encompassing the total value of land and improvements, e.g. buildings, rather than the separate value of each. 

Оценочный термин, отражающий суммарную стоимость земли и улучшений (например, построек).



Generally, physical changes which enhance the capital value of land or buildings.

Улучшения (усовершенствования) земли.

Indirect construction costs

[,IndI’rekt kənstrʌkʃenkɔsts]

Costs of a building or works additional to those of labour, machinery and materials. They include the costs of administration, financing, taxes and insurance.

Косвенные затраты при строительстве (страховка и т. д.).

Industrial improvement area

[,In’dʌstrIəl Im’pru:vməntsɛərIə]

Normally an older industrial or commercial area, declared to be such bу а local authority under section 4 of the Schedule to the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978, in which, by making loans and grants, the authority seeks to secure improved amenities and ‘the conversion or improvement of buildings for industrial or commercial purposes.

Промышленная или коммерческая зона, подлежащая обновлению.

Inflation-prone yield

[Inf’leIʃen proun ji:ld]

Оп an investment, а гаге of return which is vulnerable to the effects of inflation. 

Доход с учетом инфляции.

Inflation-risk free yield

[Inf’leIʃen ‘rIskfri: ji:ld]

Оп an investment, а rate of return which the issuer guarantees or assures will be adjusted upwards at the due dates of payment if, and’ to the degree that, inflation has reduced the value of money. The extent to which payment is “free” of risk will depend on the status and reliability of the issuer, eg а Governmentissued index-linked fund would be virtually risk-free. 

Доход с учетом потерь от инфляции.

Injurious affection

[‘Indʒərəs ə’fekʃen]

The diminution in value (actual or anticipated) of an interest in land resulting from the use of statutory powers; this may but need not give entitlement to compensation.

Снижение стоимости земли, возникающее в результате законодательного вмешательства.

Insurable interest

[In’ʃuərəbl єntərəst]

A property interest likely to be adversely affected by damage to the property, thereby causing some loss to the owner. Only a person with such an interest may take out an insurance policy on the property.

Возможные потери, связанные с ухудшением недвижимости.

Intensification of use 

[In’tensIfIkeIʃen əv ju:s]

An increase in the degree of use of land or buildings amounting to a material change of use for planning purposes. 

Интенсификация использования недвижимости, возникающая в результате ее преобразования.

Investment method

[In’vestmənt ‘meƟəd]

The determination of the value of an interest in land by the capitalization of actual or estimated net rental income. 

Определение цены права на землю на основе капитализации фактического или прогнозируемого чистого дохода от сдачи в аренду.

Investment property

[In’vestmənt pаɔpItI]

Generally, any property purchased with the primary intention of retaining it and enjoying the total return. 

Инвестиционная недвижимость.

Investment jield

[In’vestmənt jild]

The annual percentage return which is considered to be appropriate for a specific valuation or an investment, being expressed as the ratio of annual net income to the capital value. 

Отношение ежегодного чистого дохода к объему инвестиций.

Key property

[ki: pаɔpItI]

In land assembly, а property which is required in order to achieve the optimum development scheme, eg land which provides access to back-land, so unlocking the latter’s development potential.

В земельном законодательстве земля, необходимая для реализации оптимального варианта развития недвижимости, например обеспечивающая доступ к осваиваемому участку земли.



In a property context, а dealer who buys old houses for the materials which he onn sell-on.

В сфере недвижимости, дилер, покупающий старые дома ради материалов для последующей продажи.

Land assembly

[lænd əśæmblI]

The process of forming а single site from а number of parcels of land, usually for eventual development or redevelopment. 

Процесс формирования единой площадки из ряда отдельных земельных участков для последующего развития (девелопмента) или повторного развития (редевелопмента).

Land availability study

[lжnd əvəIləbIlItI stʌdI]

А study carried out to discover land available, eg for development.

Инженерные и геологические изыскания, позволяющие выявить земли, пригодные для использования.

Land bank

[lжnd bжŋk]

А stock of land held bу а builder оr developer for future development.

Земли, находящиеся в распоряжении строителей или девелоперов для разработки в будущем.

Latent damage

[еeItənt ‘dжmIdʒ]

In the property sense, damage to a building or structure which exists at the time a person acquired an interest therein, and is of such a nature that it cannot be known to the person concerned. 

Скрытый дефект, имеющийся у здания, постройки и т. д. в момент приобретения права на недвижимость и неизвестный ни покупателю, ни агенту по недвижимости.



The external and/or internal arrangement of a building or group of building or other structures.

Внешняя или внутренняя конфигурация здания, зданий или сооружений.

Letting value

[еetIŋ ‘vжlju]

Rental value.

Арендная стоимость.



The use of borrowed money at a rate of interest below the remunerative rate enabling the borrower to achieve an initial return on the residual equity which is larger than it would otherwise be. 

Финансовый рычаг (леверидж).

Listed building

[еIstId ‘bIldIŋ]

A building of special architectural or historic interest included on a list complied.

Перечень зданий исторического и архитектурного значения.

Location plan

[lou’keɪʃən plжn]

А plan which, for clarity of interpretation, is of а large scale (e.g.1:1,250 or 1:2,500) to show the position of а specific property in relation 10 its surroundings.

План расположения.



Fоr а disposal, especially by auction, the division of property into parts, еаoh of which is capable of being sold separately. 

Лоттинг (разбивка земли на доли для продажи по частям).

Made land

[meɪd lжnd]

Land reclaimed by enclosing аn area of water and then draining and/or pumping out from the enclosure. As а result the land тау beсоtephysically suitable for agriculture, horticulture, building оr other development.

Земля, соседствующая с водоемами и подлежащая дренажу и осушению.

Made-up land

[‘meɪd’ʌp lжnd]

Land, initially unsuitable for building, which has beeп contoured or levelled by tipping non-toxic and otherwise environmentally acceptable waste materials and covering them with soil to a satisfactory depth.

Земля, изначально непригодная для застройки, которая окультурена путем насыпки почвы достаточной толщины, покрывающей нетоксичные и невредные для окружающей среды отходы.

Market capacity

[’mа:kɪt kә’pжsɪtɪ]

A situation in which buyers and sellers of a particular commodity or service are in sufficient numbers to create the opportunity of comparing prices and quality, thereby enabling the forces of supply and demand to operate.

Емкость рынка.

Market forces

[‘ma:kɪt fo:siz]

Those forces which affect the speed and price at which property changes hands, i.e. supply and demand. 

Рыночные силы.

Marriage value

[‘mжrɪdʒ ‘vжluj]

Latent value which is or would be released by the merger of two or тoгe interests in land.

Скрытая стоимость, которая возникает в результате слияния прав на землю.

Material detriment

[ma’tɪərɪəl ‘detrɪmənt]

The degree of real and substantial injury or damage to land occurring if part only of a “house, building or manufactory” is to be compulsorily acquired.

Ущерб, наносимый земельному участку в случае принудительного приобретения части дома, здания или производства.



А dwelling-house with its outbuildings, curtilage and garden.

Жилой дом с хозяйственными постройками и земельным участком.

Mixed development

[mɪkst dɪ’veləpment]

А development which has buildings in two or moгe uses, eg a shopping centre with leisure facilities or with residential. 

Многопрофильное использование здания.


[‘mʌltɪ s’tɔrɪ]

Descriptive of a building of five or more storeys, either above or below ground level.

Многоэтажные здания (более пяти этажей).

Natural right of support

[‘neɪtʃərəl raɪt əv sə’pɔ:rt]

А common law right attached to land (unless temporarily suspended by formal agreement) which prohibits the owner of an adjoining property from doing any act which endangers the stability of the surface.

Право на землю, запрещающее владельцу прилегающей территории осуществлять действия, способные нарушить стабильность поверхности.

Net income

[net ’ɪnkʌm]

For property income taxation purposes, generally gross rent less allowable deductions, i.e. actual outgoings. 

Чистый операционный доход.

Net rent

[net rent]

Income from property after deduction of all outgoings, including repairs.

Чистый доход от объекта недвижимости (после всех вычетов).

Non-conforming use

[‘nɔnkən’fɔmɪŋ ju:s]

The use of арrорerty which does not conform to the allocation of the area for planning рurposes.

Нецелевое использование земли, по отношению к которой существует план разработки.



А use of property which interferes with the lawful rights of and enjoyment bу the occupier(s) of other property.

Использование собственности с нарушением общественного порядка.

Off-site improvements

[‘ofsaɪt ɪmp’ru:mənts]

Works carried оf оn land to make other land (with or without existing buildings) suitble for development or improvement, e.g. roads, pavements, water mains or sewers.

Работы, осуществляемые на каком-либо участке земли для обустройства или развития другого участка (например, сооружение дорог, укладка асфальта, стоки).

On-site improvements

[‘ɔn saɪt ɪmp’ru:mənts]

Structures erected, or works undertaken, for permanent use on a site, such as buildings, roads, landscaping and fences; often just called “site improvements.”

Сооружения или работы, проводимые на земельном участке с целью долговременного использования: здания, дороги, зеленые насаждения, ограждения.

Pауmеnt in kind

[‘peɪmənt ɪn kaɪnd]

Payment other than by money, e.g. the transfer of land.

Оплата нефинансовыми средствами (например, землей).

Physical life

[‘fɪzɪkəl laɪf]

The period during which a building or structure is capable of occupation.

Физический срок службы (здания, сооружения).

Planning brief

[‘plжnɪŋ bri:f]

Guidelines on planning matters for the future development of an area or site laid down by the local planning authority. 

Ограничения, накладываемые местными плановыми органами на развитие территорий или отдельных участков.

Planning unit

[‘plжnɪŋ ‘junɪt]

The unit of occupation for land and/or buildings. It is the subject or a body of case law.

Размеры земельных участков, устанавливаемые законодательством.

Present value

[‘presənt ‘vжlju]

The future worth of a property or a sum of money discounted to its present-day equivalent.

Настоящая стоимость недвижимости или денег.

Primary use

[‘praɪmarɪ ju:s]

In town planning terms, the main permitted use of a planning unit comprising the whole, or part, of a property.

В городском планировании основное разрешенное использование всего или части объекта недвижимости.

Prime property

[‘praɪm ‘prɔpɪtɪ]

The best property from a particular person’s view point.

Наиболее оптимальная недвижимость с точки зрения физического лица.

Prime yield

[‘praɪm jild]

Descriptive of the current yield used in the valuation of property let at full market value and which — for the class of property concerned — is of the best physical quality, in the best location.

Максимальный доход от сдаваемой по полной рыночной цене недвижимости определенного класса, обладающей наилучшими характеристиками и местоположением.

Principle of equivalence

[‘prɪncɪpl әv ɪk’wɪvələns]

The duty of an authority acquiring land or buildings compulsorily to compensate the claimant so as to leave him in the samefinancial position as he enjoyed prior to the acquisition. 

Обязанность властей, приобретающих землю или сооружения в принудительном порядке по полной компенсации затрат обладателю прав на недвижимость.

Profits basis (profits method)

[‘prɔfɪt ‘beɪsis]

А method adopted in the valuation of such properties as hotels, theatres, cinemas and caravan parks based upon the accounts of the business conducted on the premises. 

Метод, принятый при оценке такой недвижимости, как отели, театры, кинотеатры, места развлечений, согласно которому оценка основана на отчетах о прибыли таких объектов.

Project management

[’prɔdʒəkt ‘mжnɪdʒmənt]

The leadership role which plans, budgets, coordinates, monitors and controls the operational contributions of property professionals, and others. 

Управление проектами.

Property asset management

[’prɔpɪtɪ ’жsɪt‘mжnɪdʒmənt]

A comprehensive form of management, similar to property portfolio management except that the managers have a wider degree of discretion to realize property, if thought fit, and retain the cash proceeds or transfer them to other types of investment pending an expected opportunity to reinvest in property on more favourable terms.

Управление портфелем недвижимости.

Property management

[’prɔpɪtɪ ‘mжnɪdʒmənt]

The range of functions concerned with looking after building, including collection of rents, payment of outgoings, maintenance including repair, provision of services, insurance and supervision of staff employed for services, together with negotiations with ten -ants or prospective tenants.

Управление недвижимостью.

Prudent lotting

[‘prudənt ‘lɔtɪŋ]

For valuation purposes, the principle of dividing, if appropriate, an estate into two or тoгe units which are considered as likely to attract the best possible price.

В оценке недвижимости принцип разделения недвижимости на части с целью установления наилучшей возможной цены.

Put oрtion

[put ‘ɔpʃən]

А contract whereby one party has the option to sell his interest in a property to the second party.

Опцион на продажу. контракт, по которому продавец имеет право на продажу собственности продавцу по определенной цене.

Real estate investment trust

[rɪəl ɪ’steɪt ɪn‘vestmәnttrʌst]

A legally constituted organization which enables investors to own and transfer shares of an interest in a property or properties.

Фонд инвестирования в недвижимость.

Real property (realty)

[rɪəl ‘prɔpɪtɪ]

Freehold land, but it leaseholds; the latter are classified as personalty оr personal property. 

Недвижимая собственность.



Development of land which entails and folhws the removal of all or most of the buildings оr structures already existing thereon. In the USA the term usually signifies the development оr improvement of land in аn urban renewal project.

Редевелопмент. преобразование существующей застройки, предполагающая снос всех или большинства зданий и сооружений, возведенных на ней. в США — разработка земли в городской черте согласно проекту реконструкции.



Improvement and mоdernisation of а building falling short of rebuilding оr redevelopment. 

Преобразование (редевелопмент) зданий.



Тhе асt of putting а part оr the whole of а building or structure back into the condition which existed аt some relevant previous date.

Акт приведения всего или части здания (сооружения) в состояние, в котором оно пребывало в конкретный предыдущий период.

Remainder zone

[rɪ’meɪndə zoun]

For valuation purposes, аnу аrеа left after the application of zoning.

При оценке недвижимости — земля, оставшаяся после зонирования.

Remunerative rate


For valuation purposes, the selected yield at which the income, after allowing for аnу amortisation, from an investment рrореrtу is capitalised.

В оценке недвижимости — ставка капитализации для дохода на капитал (после вычета амортизации).



The act of making а building look like new, оr restoring it to good condition bу repainting, decorating, cleaning and undertaking minor repairs.

Реновация зданий в результате ремонтных работ.

Right of way

[raɪt əv weɪ]

А right given to оnе оr тorе persons to pass оvеr another’s land bу way of а defined path.

Право одного или ряда лиц пересекать территорию собственника по определенной пешеходной дорожке.

Scarcity value

[s’kеəsɪtɪ ‘vжlju:]

The additional realizable value of a property in a market where there are more prospective purchasers. 

Дополнительная предполагаемая ценность собственности на рынке, где на нее претендует много перспективных покупателей.

Schedule of condition

[s’kedjul əv kən’dɪtən]

A statement describing the physical state of a building.

Документ, описывающий физическое состояние здания.



The plant, machinery and other equipment installed in a property оf the provision of water, drainage, heating, power, аir-conditioning, lifts, the protection and the like.

Отопительные сооружения и оборудование, входящее в недвижимость для обеспечения водоснабжения, дренажа, отопления, кондиционирования, работы лифтов и т. д.

Setting out

[‘setɪŋ ‘ʌut]

In construction or civil engineering projects, the preliminary stage of marking on the ground with pegs the lines of walls and corners of proposed buildings.

Разметка территории застройки.

Shell construction (shell finish)

[‘ʃel kənst’rʌkʃən]

А method of constructing a building whereby the developer completes the structure but leaves considerable work to be carried out, especially to the interior.

Метод сооружения здания без внутренней отделки.

Site coverage

[‘saɪt kʌvərɪdʒ]

The proportion of a site covered by buildings от structures. In the case of a complex design, the area of land covered by the building to the most extensive of its horizontal projections.

Доля территории, застроенная зданиями и сооружениями.

Site plan

[‘saɪt plжn]

А drawing of an area of land, on a horizontal plane, showing the boundaries and physical extent of the land included in a particular parcel.

План территории с обозначением плотности застройки.

Site value

[‘saɪt ‘vжlju]

The value of undeveloped property as a site for development.

Оценка стоимости неразработанной территории для последующего ее обустройства.

Speculative development

[s’pekjulətɪv dɪ’veləpmənt]

The construction of a building or buildings where there is no known buyer or tenant at the outset.

Девелопмент здания (зданий) для последующей продаже на рынке.



А contractor who undertakes part of a contract which is the overall responsibllity of the main contractor a and whose work is usually confined to a specialist skill, e.g. demolition, engineering installations or plastering. 




А person professionally engaged in one or more branches of the landed profession of surveying. These include building; planning and development; states; land; management. 

Специалист в области недвижимости (первоначально: землемер, топограф).



The right to ownership of land.

Титул собственности.

Tower block

[‘tauə blɔk]

А building, usually containing offices or flats of many storeys.

Многоэтажное здание с офисами или квартирами.

Town and cuntry planning

[‘təun and ‘kʌntrɪ ‘plжnɪŋ]

The determination of policy for the development and use of land and the control of its implementation in urban and rural areas by district and county planning authorities.

Городское и сельское планирование: выработка политики Городское и сельское планирование: выработка политики.

Traffic generation

[‘trжfɪk ,dʒenəreɪʃən]

The build-up, or potential build-up, of vehicular traffic resulting from the use of land оr buildings, e.g. а superstore оr а sports stadium.

Реальное или потенциальное увеличение плотности дорожного движения в зависимости от городских площадей и застройки.

Turnover lease

[‘tə:nouvə li:s]

А lease, especially of retail property, in which the rent is an agreed percentage of the annuаl turnover.

Аренда недвижимости в розницу, плата за которую представлена в виде согласованного процента от ежегодного оборота.

Twilight zone

[‘twaɪlaɪt zoun]

Аn ака of а town or city, generally situated between the centre and the suburbs, which is characterised bу the deterioration of existing buildings and infrastructure.

Район поселка или города между центром и окрестностями, которая характеризуется низким качеством построек и инфраструктуры (сумеречная зона).

Unoccupied building

[ʌn’ɔkjupaɪd ‘bɪldɪŋ]

For ratingpurposes, а building оп which rates mаy beсome pаyаble after being unoccupied for а prescribed minimum period.

В нормировании — это здание, на которое назначена норма выплаты после того, как оно оставалось невостребованным после определенного минимального периода времени.

Unsecured ground rеnt

[ʌnsəkjuəd graund rent]

А rent for land uроn which buildings have it yet been erected.

Рента на землю, на которой арендатором пока что не возведены постройки.

Use class

[ju:s klа:s]

A class within the Town and Country Planning Order. Any authorized use within a particular class can be changed to another use within the same class without planning permission.

Целевое назначение.



Тhе price that an interest in property or some other asset might reasonably be expected to fetch if disposed of аt а given time for а particular purpose or in particular circumstances.

Цена, которая может быть достигнута при использовании собственности или иных фондов в определенных целях, в определенное время при определенных обстоятельствах, при наличии права на них.



1. Empty and unusable space, especially in a building or other structure. 2. Unoccupied and unlet space, particularly in a multitenanted building.

Норма вакансий (незанятые площади в здании).

Zoning of urban area

[’zounɪŋ әv ’ә:bәn ’ɛәrɪә]

In planning terms, the dividing of urban ака by а loсаl plаnning authority into zones for particular uses or activities. 

Зонирование городских территорий.

Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Учебник содержит систематическое изложение функций девелопера как предпринимателя и менеджера на всех этапах реализации проектов развития недвижимости — от формирования девелоперской идеи до передачи созданного объекта в эксплуатацию.<br /> Учебник подготовлен на основе курса лекций, читаемых автором на кафедре менеджмента недвижимости в Санкт-Петербургском государственном экономическом университете, а также переработки, расширения и дополнения книги «Девелопмент (развитие недвижимости): организация, управление, финансирование» (СПб., 2003 г.).<br /> Учебник предназначен для студентов (бакалавров, специалистов и магистров), изучающих вопросы управления проектами, рынка недвижимости, управления недвижимостью, а также может быть использован в системе дополнительного профессионального образования.

Экономика Максимов С.Н. Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Экономика Максимов С.Н. Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Экономика Максимов С.Н. Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник

Учебник содержит систематическое изложение функций девелопера как предпринимателя и менеджера на всех этапах реализации проектов развития недвижимости — от формирования девелоперской идеи до передачи созданного объекта в эксплуатацию.<br /> Учебник подготовлен на основе курса лекций, читаемых автором на кафедре менеджмента недвижимости в Санкт-Петербургском государственном экономическом университете, а также переработки, расширения и дополнения книги «Девелопмент (развитие недвижимости): организация, управление, финансирование» (СПб., 2003 г.).<br /> Учебник предназначен для студентов (бакалавров, специалистов и магистров), изучающих вопросы управления проектами, рынка недвижимости, управления недвижимостью, а также может быть использован в системе дополнительного профессионального образования.

Внимание! Авторские права на книгу "Управление девелопментом недвижимости. Учебник" (Максимов С.Н.) охраняются законодательством!