ОглавлениеMODULE 1. Setting up a Business MODULE 3. Buying and selling goods and services MODULE 4. Protecting intellectual property MODULE 5. Mergers and Acquisitions MODULE 6. Risk Management and Insolvency Для бесплатного чтения доступна только часть главы! Для чтения полной версии необходимо приобрести книгуMODULE 1. |
1 |
to set up a business |
основывать дело, учреждать (компанию) |
2 |
sole trader |
индивидуальный предприниматель |
3 |
equity/company capital |
акционерный капитал |
4 |
assets tangible assets |
активы компании материальные активы |
5 |
to register Register of Companies |
зарегистрировать регистр/ реестр компаний |
6 |
liable personally liable liability (un)limited liability |
ответственный лично ответственный обязательства, ответственность (не)ограниченная ответственность |
7 |
agreement |
соглашение |
8 |
cash |
наличность |
9 |
debt |
долг |
10 |
on your own |
самостоятельно |
11 |
to own owner |
владеть чем-л. владелец |
12 |
profit |
прибыль |
13 |
on the one hand… on the other hand… |
с одной стороны… с другой стороны… |
14 |
separate |
отдельный |
15 |
share shareholder shareholding |
акция акционер владение акциями |
16 |
tax authority |
налоговые органы |
17 |
general partnership |
полное товарищество (товарищество с неограниченной имущественной ответственностью) |
18 |
limited liability partnership (LLP) |
товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью |
19 |
to expand |
расширять (бизнес) |
20 |
legal identity = legal person = legal entity |
юридическое лицо |
21 |
Articles of Association |
устав компании |
22 |
Memorandum of Association |
учредительный договор |
23 |
private company (Ltd.) |
закрытая акционерная компания |
24 |
public company (plc.) |
открытая или публичная акционерная компания, акции которой открыто продаются на бирже |
25 |
Stock Exchange |
Лондонская фондовая биржа |
26 |
limited liability company (LLC) (US) |
компания с ограниченной ответственностью |
27 |
to secure a loan security |
обеспечить заем обеспечение кредита |
28 |
to run a business |
заниматься бизнесом |
29 |
to guarantee the loan personally |
предоставить личные гарантии |
30 |
to reward loyalty |
вознаградить за преданность |
31 |
to be available |
быть доступным, быть в наличии |
32 |
to default on the loan |
не выполнить обязательств по выплате займа |
33 |
to repay the loan |
выплатить заем |
34 |
to afford to do smth. |
позволить себе что-то сделать |
35 |
to take legal proceedings |
предпринимать процессуальные действия |
36 |
matters raised |
затронутые вопросы |
37 |
to set out the steps |
изложить последующие действия |
38 |
personal assets |
личное имущество |
39 |
obligation |
обязанность |
40 |
valid decision legally valid |
обоснованное решение имеющий юридическую силу |
41 |
on behalf of the company |
от лица компании |
42 |
to enclose |
прилагать |
43 |
Constitution of the Company |
учредительные документы |
44 |
option |
вариант, возможность |
45 |
to transfer |
перевести, передать |
46 |
to issue shares |
выпускать акции |
47 |
to raise capital by selling shares |
наращивать капитал путем продажи акций |
48 |
Companies House |
Регистрационная палата |
49 |
to register a company |
регистрировать компанию |
50 |
to submit/reject an application |
подать/отклонить заявление |
51 |
to draw up a contract |
составить контракт/договор |
52 |
to impose restrictions |
накладывать ограничения |
53 |
to incur debts/costs |
понести издержки, затраты; влезть в долги |
54 |
to view/inspect the register of companies |
проверить запись в регистре компаний |
55 |
to obtain a Certificate of Incorporation |
получить свидетельство о регистрации компании |
56 |
to conduct business |
заниматься бизнесом |
57 |
accountancy |
бухгалтерское дело |
58 |
to buy out |
(вы)купить |
59 |
due |
подлежащий выплате |
60 |
to ascertain |
выяснять, устанавливать |
61 |
to invoke a 5-mile radius clause |
требовать применения статьи о пятимильной зоне |
62 |
enforceable |
имеющий исковую силу |
63 |
legally binding |
юридически обязательный |
64 |
with immediate effect |
вступающий в силу немедленно |
65 |
lawyer |
юрист |
66 |
attorney |
адвокат |
67 |
solicitor |
солиситор |
68 |
barrister |
барристер |
69 |
to have rights of audience |
иметь право выступать в суде |
70 |
to present a case in court |
представлять дело в суде |
71 |
Queen’s Counsel |
королевский адвокат |
72 |
jurisdiction |
юрисдикция |
73 |
registration fee |
регистрационный взнос |
74 |
registration formalities |
процедура регистрации |
74 |
requirement |
требование |
75 |
to make redundant |
уволить с работы |
76 |
to work part-time |
работать на полставки |
77 |
responsibilities |
обязанности |
78 |
to work face-to-face with customers |
обслуживать посетителей, работать с клиентами |
79 |
supplier |
поставщик |
80 |
to do the paperwork |
вести документацию |
81 |
to wind up |
ликвидировать компанию |
82 |
to make a claim against a firm |
подать иск к компании |
83 |
background |
1) задний план, фон; 2) условие, исходные данные, предпосылка |
84 |
rationale |
разумное объяснение, логическое обоснование, основная причина |
85 |
established |
1) учрежденный; 2) авторитетный, признанный, заслуживающий доверия |
86 |
to list |
составлять список, регистрировать |
87 |
listed |
зарегистрированный |
88 |
distinguished |
знаменитый, известный, выдающийся, прославленный |
89 |
to raise money |
занимать деньги, получить ссуду на что-л. |
90 |
brief |
краткое письменное изложение дела с привлечением фактов и документов, с которыми сторона выступает в суде |
91 |
to unify |
унифицировать |
Focus on Vocabulary
Task I. Work in pairs. One of you will work with Variant A, the other — with Variant B.
Partner A
1) Translate the following English words and word phrases into Russian. In case of difficulties, your partner B is to help you.
a. Articles of association
b. Sole trader
c. Equity
d. Tangible assets
e. Unlimited liability
f. To be personally liable
g. To work for yourself
h. To register one’s business
i. To set up one’s business
j. Area of business
k. To go out of business
l. Business firm
m. To start trading
n. To make money
o. To register with tax authority
p. To have unlimited liability for debts
q. General partnership
r. Legal identity
s. To pay capital into the firm
t. To join the partnership
u. Limited liability partnership
v. Limited company
w. To publish regular financial information
2) This time your Partner B is to do the translation into Russian. You should help him/her.
1. limited liability 2. to be self-employed 3. business 4. to run business 5. to go into business 6. debts of the firm 7. to pay for shareholding in the company 8. to form a company 9. private company 10. public company 11. to be liable to pay 12. to be liable to creditors 13. tax flexibility 14. personal liability protection 15. to seek advice 16. to make an offer 17. to finance the business 18. to reward the loyalty 19. to borrow money from the bank 20. to put something at risk 21. to secure the loan on something (a house) 22. to secure loans against the company’s assets |
1. ограниченная ответственность 2. работать на себя 3. дело, предпринимательская деятельность, торгово-промышленное предприятие, бизнес 4. вести коммерческую деятельность 5. заняться бизнесом 6. долги компании 7. платить за владение акциями компании 8. образовать компанию 9. закрытая акционерная компания 10. открытая акционерная компания 11. нести ответственность по уплате 12. нести ответственность перед кредиторами 13. налоговая гибкость 14. защита от персональной ответственности 15. обращаться за советом 16. сделать предложение 17. финансировать предпринимательскую деятельность 18. вознаграждать за лояльность 19. занимать деньги в банке 20. рисковать чем-либо 21. обеспечить заем чем-либо (домом) 22. обеспечить заем активами компании |
Partner B
1) Your Partner A is to translate a number of English words and word phrases into Russian. You should help him/her in case of difficulties.
1. articles of association 2. sole trader 3. equity 4. tangible assets 5. unlimited liability 6. to be personally liable 7. to work for yourself 8. to register one’s business 9. to set up one’s business 10. area of business 11. to go out of business 12. business firm 13. to start trading 14. to make money 15. to register with tax authority 16. to have unlimited liability for debts 17. general partnership 18. legal identity 19. to pay capital into the firm 20. to join the partnership 21. limited liability partnership 22. limited company 23. to publish regular financial information |
1. устав компании 2. индивидуальный предприниматель 3. акционерный капитал 4. материальные активы 5. неограниченная ответственность 6. нести личную ответственность 7. работать на себя 8. регистрировать свое предприятие 9. открыть свое предприятие 10. область предпринимательства 11. выйти из бизнеса 12. коммерческая компания 13. начать торговлю 14. зарабатывать деньги 15. зарегистрироваться в налоговом органе 16. нести неограниченную ответственность по долгам 17. полное товарищество 18. юридическое лицо 19. вкладывать капитал в компанию 20. вступить в товарищество 21. товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью 22. компания с ограниченной ответственностью 23. регулярно публиковать информацию о финансах |
2) This time you are to do the translation from English into Russian. Your partner will help you.
1. Limited liability
2. To be self-employed
3. Business
4. To run business
5. To go into business
6. Debts of the firm
7. To pay for shareholding in the company
8. To form a company
9. Private company
10. Public company
11. To be liable to pay
12. To be liable to creditors
13. Tax flexibility
14. Personal liability protection
15. To seek advice
16. To make an offer
17. To finance the business
18. To reward the loyalty
19. To borrow money from the bank
20. To put something at risk
21. To secure the loan on something (a house)
22. To secure loans against the company’s assets
Task II. Find English equivalents of the following Russian phrases on page 9 of Unit 1.
1. Дать заем компании
2. Гарантировать выплату займа
3. Взять дом в качестве обеспечения кредита
4. Не выполнить обязательств по выплате займа
5. Поднять (затронуть) вопросы
6. Позволить себе что-то сделать
7. Начать судебный процесс
8. Получить денежное возмещение по суду
9. Банковские займы доступны для индивидуального предпринимателя
10. Получить банковский заем
11. Личное имущество
12. Предоставлять предприятию права юридического лица
13. Нести правовые обязательства
14. Принять правомерное решение
15. От имени компании
16. Управлять компанией
17. Учредительные документы
18. Выпускать акции для акционеров
Task III. Match the terms in the box with their definitions (1–6). This activity will help you to answer the questions in “Starter” from page 5 of Unit 1.
register of companies equity/company capital articles of association unlimited liability sole trader tangible assets |
1. The document, which contains internal rules about how the company is organized. It can be read by the public at Companies House, the central register of companies.
2. An individual person who owns all the assets of the business and is liable for all of its debts. It is the simplest form of business.
3. It is a certain amount of cash or assets that must be paid in when a limited company is formed. This capital must always be available so that there are at least some assets left to satisfy creditors if the company goes bankrupt.
4. It is another word for such property as equipment, buildings, vehicles, raw materials.
5. It contains key information about the company, e. g. the name of the company and the address of its head office, the names of its directors, the date of its formation, the kind of business it conducts and the size of its share capital. This information can be inspected by any member of the public.
6. This problem exists for self-employed people and for ordinary partnerships. In these cases, the business is not a separate legal entity. This means that liability rests with the owner of the company. If the company has debts, the owner is liable for them and is not allowed to limit this liability — even if it means him losing the roof over his head.
Task IV. Use the ideas below in the following structures for giving advice or making recommendations:
I suggest/recommend that he/she (should) do… I suggest/recommend doing… I (strongly) advise you to do… You should do… You ought to do… What about doing … ? e. g. I suggest/recommend that he (should) invest money into a new business.I suggest/recommend investing money into a new business. |
I (strongly) advise you to invest money into a new business.You should invest money into a new business.You ought to invest money into a new business.What about investing money into a new business? |
1. To sell shares on stock exchanges
2. To provide clients with background on business formats
3. To convert a private company into a public company
4. To read company legislation
5. To offer shares to the public
6. To start doing some work with an ex-colleague
7. To work part-time for the business
8. To invest money into a new business
9. To work with suppliers
10. To do the paperwork
11. To wind the business up
12. To make a claim against the firm
Task V. Read the introduction and complete the gaps with an appropriate word derived from the words given in brackets.
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation recognizes various forms of business organizations, including general and limited partnerships, limited liability companies, open and closed joint-stock companies, and the state and municipal unitary enterprises. Classification of legal entities is provided in the Civil Code twice: in Article 48 and in Article 50. Both classifications are very important, because in both cases assignment of a legal entity to this or that particular group determines its special legislative regime.
Classification Based on the Rights of Legal Entity and its Participants
The First Model. When transferring the property to the legal entity the (1) _______ (found) or the participants of the legal entity (2) _______ (complete) lose their rights of estate. Similarly they do not have these rights to the (3) ______ (acquire) property. Accordingly, property, (4) ______ (transfer) by the founders (the participants) and acquired by the legal entity itself is deemed to be owned by the legal entity. (5) ______ (Lose) his rights of estate, a founder (a participant) acquires rights of obligation instead. Rights of obligation include the right to participate in the (6) ______ (manage) of a legal entity, the right to receive dividends, etc.
When a legal entity is being (7) ______ (liquidate), participants have the right to demand the property left in part (8) ______ (correspond) to their share (half, quarter, etc.).
Legal entities built by the first model include partnerships, companies, production and (9) ______ (consume) cooperatives (i. e. corporation legal entities).
The Second Model. The peculiarity of the second model is that the founder, (10) ______ (transfer) the corresponding property to the legal entity in the possession and disposal, remains the owner of that property. Also, the founder is deemed to be the owner of all property acquired by the legal entity during its (11) ______ (operate). Therefore, the rights of estate for one and the same property are (12) ______ (possess) both by the founder (owner) and by the legal entity. The legal entity owns the property under the right of economic management or operative management, derivative from the property right. During (13) ______ (liquidate), founders of a legal entity receive everything that is left after (14) ______ (settle) with the creditors.
The given model is applied to the state and municipal unitary enterprises, and (15) ______ (organize), financed by the owners. In particular, these are organizations whose owner is the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, or a municipal entity (a ministry, a department, a school, an institute or a hospital, etc.).
The Third Model. Unlike the first two models, the founders (the participants) of the legal entity do not possess any property rights for the legal entity, neither rights of (16) ______ (oblige), nor rights of estate. Such legal entities include public and (17) ______ (religion) organizations (unions), charity and other funds, (18) ______ (associate) and unions of legal entities. According to the third model, founders (participants) do not acquire any rights for the property left, after the liquidation of an entity.
Classification Based on the Activity’s Objective:
Commercial and Non-Commercial Legal Entities
Article 50 in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation divides all legal entities into (19) ______ (commerce) and non-commercial organizations, proceeding from the objective of the activity (20) ______ (perform) by the organization. The legal entities may be either the organizations, which view a (21) ______ (derive) of profits as the chief goal of their activity (commercial legal entities), or those organizations, which do not view a deriving of profits as such goal and which do not (22) ______ (distribution) the derived profit among their participants (non-commercial legal entities).
Commercial legal entities include partnerships and companies, (23) ______ (produce) cooperatives, the state and municipal unitary enterprises, while non-commercial legal entities include consumption cooperatives, public and religious organizations (unions) financed by their (24) ______ (own), charity and other funds and entities (25) ______ (stipulate) in law.
Focus on Grammar
The Passive Active and passive sentences often have similar meanings, but a different focus. ____________________________________________________ Form the passive with a form of be + past participle. e. g. A claim was made against the firm. A claim is being made against the firm. ____________________________________________________ Use the passive in the following situations: a. When the agent (the person or thing doing the action) is unknown or not important. e. g. Shares are traded publicly. b. When the identity of the agent is clear from the context. e. g. Their liability for the debts of the firm is limited. ____________________________________________________ Use the passive with “by” if you mention the agent. Mention the agent in the following situations: a. When you introduce necessary new information about the agent. e. g. Limited companies are used by businesses of all sizes. b. When you want to give credit to someone who created something. e. g. A written partnership agreement is not required by law. Be careful! In most cases, you do not need to mention an agent in passive sentences. Do not include an agent unnecessarily. |
Task VI. Use the following phrases in Passive Voice,
e. g. 1) to describe you as a sole trader
— You are described as a sole trader. оставить как есть везде
2) the public can read the articles at Companies House
— The articles can be read by the public at Companies House.
1. To recommend a written partnership agreement
2. Law requires a written partnership agreement
3. To call the partners members
4. To limit liability for the debts of the firm
5. Must register business structures on the Register of Companies
6. To form a company
7. To trade shares publicly
8. Businesses of all sizes use limited companies
9. They will secure the loan on her house
10. Would transfer the assets of the business to shareholders
11. Would issue shares to shareholders
12. To organize the company
13. They have to file the document with the relevant state
14. To call lawyers attorneys
15. To pass the brief on to a barrister
16. To often invite successful barristers to become a Queen’s Counsel
17. They made him redundant from a job.
18. They are making a claim against the firm.
19. They have named us in the claim.
20. They didn’t take our names off the firm’s letter head.
Focus on Reading
Business law in Russia is a branch of civil legislation that regulates relations between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity. The civil legislation is the system of general regulations concerning ownership relations. Major norms of civil legislation are stipulated in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. First of all, these are norms concerning subjects of civil legislation. Subjects of law are the following: 1. Individuals; 2. Legal entities; 3. The state and state bodies; 4. Municipalities and municipal bodies.
Task VII
1) Before reading the text “Business Activity of an Individual”, think over the following questions.
1. What is the main aim of business activity of an individual entrepreneur?
2. What are the main advantages of being an individual entrepreneur?
3. Are there any disadvantages in an individual’s business activities?
4. What kinds of entrepreneurial activities have you come across?
2) Read the text and check your answers.
Business Activity of an Individual
An individual has the right to engage in business activities without forming a legal entity from the moment of his state registration in the capacity of an individual entrepreneur, which is the simplest way to form a company. Entrepreneurial activity is defined as “an independent activity, performed at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically deriving profit from the use of the property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the rendering of services.” An individual entrepreneur actually possesses all rights of legal persons, freely uses the money, does not have to report to a partner or shareholder, does not need to have a registered office, a charter and charter capital and legal address. There are special tax regimes for small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, including simplified system of taxation.
The disadvantage of remaining an individual entrepreneur is that he has to take full personal responsibility for the business, including debts, with his entire property.
entrepreneurial activity — предпринимательская деятельность
to derive profit — извлекать прибыль
to render services — оказывать услуги
charter — устав
to bear responsibility — нести ответственность
Note: There are several ways of translating similar terms in legal documents. The terms “Individual” or “Natural person” are both used to mean “human being” («Физическое лицо»). “Legal entity” («Юридическое лицо») as opposed to “Individual”, is also called “Legal person”, “Artificial person”, “Fictitious person”, “Corporate person” (in descending order of occurrence). In Eastern Europe (including Russia) “Juridical person” is frequently used. The translation of the Russian Civil Code is an example of “official” translation. One can recover the original Russian almost word-for-word, and it reads extremely specific. This is quite deliberate — the translator avoids familiar western legal terms and sticks closely to the Russian, so for example he uses “juridical person” and “natural person” which are almost unusable in English. The reasoning is clear — this is an independent body of law, with its own terms that has to be understood by western lawyers without them importing their own ideas of what terms mean. To avoid misleading comparisons, it makes sense to avoid too much western terminology. If however somebody is producing an understandable translation or summary for the non-specialist, he should use terms like “individual” and “legal entity”. |
The same might be true for “Individual entrepreneur” («Индивидуальный предприниматель») which is “Sole trader” in British English and “Sole proprietor” in American English. Internal regulations of an entity are usually referred to as “By-laws” in the United States; English companies have “Articles of Association”; and the Russian «Устав» is translated as “Charter”. |
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