ОглавлениеUnit 1. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Unit 2. DIPLOMACY, NEGOTIATIONS AND BARGAINING Unit 5. WAR AND INTERNATIONAL CONFLICTS Unit 6. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Для бесплатного чтения доступна только часть главы! Для чтения полной версии необходимо приобрести книгуGLOSSARYAggression. An armed struggle, intervention, or any other violent act by an outside group or nation against a sovereign entity of another nation that enjoys the protection of peace under the UN Charter, except in cases where people are struggling for self-determination. Ambassador. The highest-level diplomatic official appointed by one government as representatives to another government. Arms control. Efforts to check or slow the pace of the arms race by placing ceilings or upward limits on numbers of weapons. Balance of power. A distribution of power among states, usually characterized by shifting alliances where in no one state can exercise hegemony over all. Bargaining. An interactions that occurs when two or more negotiators attempt to agree on a mutually acceptable outcome in a situation in which their orders or preference for possible outcomes are negatively correlated. Bilateral aid. Any form of aid or assistance given by a donor to a recipient country. Boycott. The refusal of one country to purchase goods from another country. Civil war. Armed conflict between competing factions within a country. Cognition. Data (information) derived from the environment, which can be substantiated physical evidence or perceptual observation; an empirical belief about the nature of humans, politics, international actors, and their interaction. Cold War. An extended period after World War II of psychological tension, political competition, and occasional military confrontation between the Eastern (communist) and Western (capitalist) blocs. Commitment. A promise made by a negotiator in the bargaining process with an intent of changing the opponent’s expectations about the bargainer’s future conduct by changing his or her incentives. Commodity indexation agreements. Schemes among commodity producing and consuming countries to establish a link between the prices a developing country receives for its exports and the prices it pays for imports from developed countries, thereby stabilizing its terms of trade. Comparative foreign analysis. A body of research that attempts to examine systematically the determinants and behavior patterns that states exhibit in the foreign policy process. Внимание! Авторские права на книгу "Английский язык для специалистов в области международных отношений. Учебное пособие" (Бочарова Е.П., Свиридюк Н.А., Тараненко О.И.) охраняются законодательством! |