Английский и др. языки Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 17.12.2014
ISBN: 9785392161607
Объем текста: 141 стр.


NOUNS (Sections 1–3). Section 1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Section 2. The Plural Form of Nouns

Section 3. The Possessive Case of Nouns

ADJECTIVES (Sections 4–5). Section 4. Adjective Degrees of Comparison

Section 5. Substantivized Adjectives

Section 6. Numerals

PRONOUNS (Sections 7–13). Section 7. Personal Pronouns

Section 8. Possessive Pronouns

Section 9. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Section 10. Demonstrative Pronouns

Section 11. Indefinite and Reciprocal Pronouns

Section 12. Negative Pronouns

Section 13. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

ARTICLES (Sections 14–16). Section 14. The Indefinite Article

Section 15. The Zero Article

Section 16. The Definite Article

PRESENT TENSES (Sections 17–20). Section 17. The Present Continuous Tense

Section 18. The Present Simple Tense

Section 19. The Present Perfect Tense

Section 20. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

PAST TENSES (Sections 21–24). Section 21. The Past Continuous Tense

Section 22. The Past Simple Tense

Section 23. The Past Perfect Tense

Section 24. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

FUTURE TENSES (Sections 25–27). Section 25. The Future Simple Tense

Section 26. The Future Continuous Tense

Section 27. The Future Perfect Tense

Section 28. The Passive Voice

Section 29. The Future in the Past

Section 30. The Subjunctive Mood

Section 31. Conditionals

Section 32. The Imperative Mood

NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERB (Sections 33–35). Section 33. Infinitives

Section 34. Participles

Section 35. Gerunds

Section 36. Modal Verbs

Section 37. Adverbs

Section 38. Prepositions

ANSWERS. NOUNS (Sections 1–3)

ADJECTIVES (Sections 4–5)

PRONOUNS (Sections 7–13)

ARTICLES (Sections 14–16)

PRESENT TENSES (Sections 17–20)

PAST TENSES (Sections 21–24)

FUTURE TENSES (Sections 25–27)


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FUTURE TENSES (Sections 25–27)

Section 25. The Future Simple Tense

Exercise 1

1. f I can’t talk now. I will phone you later.

2. d The window’s broken. I know. I’m going to glaze it.

3. h I haven’t got enough money to get home. I’ll lend you some, if you like.

4. a We would like to invite you to the wedding. We are getting married next month.

5. b I can’t come to you. I’m taking my son to the dentist tomorrow morning.

6. j Hurry! We don’t want to be late for the film. It starts at seven o’clock.

7. i There’s no paper in the printer. I’ll get some.

8. c I feel bad. I think I’ll go to the doctor.

9. e Alice and Mike are working hard these days. They are going to buy a house.

10. g We are going to be late. The next bus comes only at 5.

Exercise 2

1. d

2. e

3. j

4. g

5. i

6. h

7. c

8. b

9. f

10. a

Exercise 4

1. Your room is so messy. — I will clean it on Saturday.

2. It’s pouring outdoors. — I will take my umbrella.

3. Ann retires in six months. — She is going to work at the store next month.

4. Where are these tickets to? — I am going to travel to England in a week.

5. Let’s play twister. — It’ll be fun.

6. Aren’t you allowed to drive a car? — I am going to pass my driving test at last.

7. I can’t go with you to the vet. — It won’t take much time.

8. We are almost late for dinner with Nick and Sara. — We will not arrive on time.

9. There’s enough time to wander about the town. — Yes, I am going to stay here for a fortnight.

10. I hope I could help you. — I will never forget it.

Section 26. The Future Continuous Tense

Exercise 1

1. Our company will be hiring new staff soon.

2. Will the sun be shining at the beach tomorrow?

3. They will not be painting the room all the morning.

4. Will you be checking the essays first?

5. I will be reading for a couple of hours every day.

6. Mr. Blant will not be waiting for any time.

7. Will Paul be working as a barman this summer?

8. Claire will be shopping tomorrow at 3 p.m.

9. We will not be doing hard work next week.

10. They will be having a good time tonight.

Exercise 2

1. I will be traveling around London next week at this time.

2. Will you be waiting for me?

3. They will discuss this question tomorrow from 5 to 6 o’clock.

4. I will be staying at the central hotel.

5. Mary will be waiting for the bus for about ten more minutes.

6. Will you be arguing again?

7. The children will not be sleeping in the afternoon.

8. Sam will be complaining about all his workmates again.

9. I will be wearing a blue suit.

10. I will be leaving in a few minutes.

Section 27. The Future Perfect Tense

Exercise 1

1. Your boss will have made a decision by Thursday.

2. By 2015 we will have known each other for 18 years.

3. By March my grandmother will have reached ninety.

4. By the time the sun sets they will have arrived home.

5. The students will have written their essays by tomorrow.

Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Сборник упражнений «Думай по-английски» содержит практические задания по основным темам английской грамматики, изложенным в пособии «100 главных правил английского языка».<br /> В книге читатель найдет как традиционные тренировочные упражнения, направленные на закрепление основ грамматики английского языка, так и многочисленные задания коммуникативного характера, целью которых является освоение грамматических структур в рамках ситуативного общения.<br /> Прилагаемые ответы к большинству заданий позволяют читателю самостоятельно проверить себя.

 Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Сборник упражнений «Думай по-английски» содержит практические задания по основным темам английской грамматики, изложенным в пособии «100 главных правил английского языка».<br /> В книге читатель найдет как традиционные тренировочные упражнения, направленные на закрепление основ грамматики английского языка, так и многочисленные задания коммуникативного характера, целью которых является освоение грамматических структур в рамках ситуативного общения.<br /> Прилагаемые ответы к большинству заданий позволяют читателю самостоятельно проверить себя.

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