Английский и др. языки Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 17.12.2014
ISBN: 9785392161607
Объем текста: 141 стр.


NOUNS (Sections 1–3). Section 1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Section 2. The Plural Form of Nouns

Section 3. The Possessive Case of Nouns

ADJECTIVES (Sections 4–5). Section 4. Adjective Degrees of Comparison

Section 5. Substantivized Adjectives

Section 6. Numerals

PRONOUNS (Sections 7–13). Section 7. Personal Pronouns

Section 8. Possessive Pronouns

Section 9. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Section 10. Demonstrative Pronouns

Section 11. Indefinite and Reciprocal Pronouns

Section 12. Negative Pronouns

Section 13. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

ARTICLES (Sections 14–16). Section 14. The Indefinite Article

Section 15. The Zero Article

Section 16. The Definite Article

PRESENT TENSES (Sections 17–20). Section 17. The Present Continuous Tense

Section 18. The Present Simple Tense

Section 19. The Present Perfect Tense

Section 20. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

PAST TENSES (Sections 21–24). Section 21. The Past Continuous Tense

Section 22. The Past Simple Tense

Section 23. The Past Perfect Tense

Section 24. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

FUTURE TENSES (Sections 25–27). Section 25. The Future Simple Tense

Section 26. The Future Continuous Tense

Section 27. The Future Perfect Tense

Section 28. The Passive Voice

Section 29. The Future in the Past

Section 30. The Subjunctive Mood

Section 31. Conditionals

Section 32. The Imperative Mood

NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERB (Sections 33–35). Section 33. Infinitives

Section 34. Participles

Section 35. Gerunds

Section 36. Modal Verbs

Section 37. Adverbs

Section 38. Prepositions

ANSWERS. NOUNS (Sections 1–3)

ADJECTIVES (Sections 4–5)

PRONOUNS (Sections 7–13)

ARTICLES (Sections 14–16)

PRESENT TENSES (Sections 17–20)

PAST TENSES (Sections 21–24)

FUTURE TENSES (Sections 25–27)


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Section 28.
The Passive Voice

Exercise 1 Find and correct the mistakes.

1. She was surprise by the gift.

2. The table is be setting by Kate at the moment.

3. That house has been built before my parents moved here.

4. The Titanic not was sunk in the Pacific ocean.

5. The participants usually cheered by their teammates.

6. The things are going to gather tomorrow.

7. The bills are paid recently.

8. The kitchen will have not been cleaned by 5 o’clock.

9. This verse is being known by everyone.

10. I am teach English.

Exercise 2 Transform the sentences from active into passive. Follow the model.

Model: She teaches us English. — We are taught English by her.

1. Everyone loves him.

2. We had sent a message by then.

3. Your words surprised us.

4. Ann was baking the birthday cake.

5. John will have finished the project by tomorrow.

6. They are discussing the problem.

7. You can translate this phrase.

8. I have prepared all the documents.

9. The university will organize the conference.

10. The teacher is going to explain the answers.

Exercise 3 Transform each sentence into two with different passive forms. Follow the model.

Model: Sam gave her a ticket. — She was given a ticket by Sam. The ticket was given to her by Sam.

1. The officer will ask you some questions.

2. The waiter is bringing Mila a glass of water.

3. They have offered me a reasonable salary.

4. Bob didn’t tell the truth to his parents.

5. Patrick is not teaching the Passive Voice to his students at this lesson.

6. We won’t show you the present ahead.

7. Ron hasn’t sent Julia any emails yet.

8. Janet’s father doesn’t lend his car to her.

9. She bought them all little presents.

10. They envy your youth.

Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Сборник упражнений «Думай по-английски» содержит практические задания по основным темам английской грамматики, изложенным в пособии «100 главных правил английского языка».<br /> В книге читатель найдет как традиционные тренировочные упражнения, направленные на закрепление основ грамматики английского языка, так и многочисленные задания коммуникативного характера, целью которых является освоение грамматических структур в рамках ситуативного общения.<br /> Прилагаемые ответы к большинству заданий позволяют читателю самостоятельно проверить себя.

 Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Васильева Е.А. Думай по-английски: сборник упражнений

Сборник упражнений «Думай по-английски» содержит практические задания по основным темам английской грамматики, изложенным в пособии «100 главных правил английского языка».<br /> В книге читатель найдет как традиционные тренировочные упражнения, направленные на закрепление основ грамматики английского языка, так и многочисленные задания коммуникативного характера, целью которых является освоение грамматических структур в рамках ситуативного общения.<br /> Прилагаемые ответы к большинству заданий позволяют читателю самостоятельно проверить себя.

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