Английский и др. языки Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 27.03.2018
ISBN: 9785392257874
Объем текста: 114 стр.


Пояснительная записка

Глава 1. Трудоустройство юриста. Профессиональные компетенции юриста. Портфолио

Глава 2. Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки устной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

Глава 3. Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки письменной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

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Глава 3.
Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки письменной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

Цель изучения главы:

• формирование способности свободно пользоваться иностранным языком как средством делового общения в профессиональной сфере при осуществлении письменной коммуникации и составлении деловой корреспонденции.

В результате работы над главой магистрант должен:


• письменные формы делового общения, общепринятые структуры их построения и современные средства передачи информации;

• стилистические особенности, клише, формулы речевого этикета, применяемые при письменном общении в рамках заданной темы.

• стандартные формы и планировку делового письма, электронного сообщения, памятной записки;

• правила подготовки электронной деловой презентации: цели, содержание и форма.


• понимать письменное сообщение, используя различные виды чтения в зависимости от конкретной коммуникативной задачи;

• вычленять, структурировать и понимать информацию, ограниченную коммуникативным заданием, а также воспринимать и осмысливать сообщения с учетом особенностей дистанционного общения посредством письменных форм коммуникации;

• составлять деловые письма, электронные сообщения и памятные записки, учитывая стилистические особенности языка сообщения и степень официальности обращения;

• построить собственную письменную речь с элементами рассуждения, критики, оценки, выражения собственного мнения;

• подготовить электронную презентацию для трудоустройства.


• навыками создания образцов письменной речи по вопросам делового общения, в том числе посредством современных средств коммуникации, включая интернет-программы и другие интерактивные методы общения;

• навыками применения формул речевого этикета и соблюдения нормативных правил поведения при ведении деловой документации и составления деловой корреспонденции;

• навыками объективного анализа собственного уровня владения коммуникативными навыками в деловой сфере.

Unit 3.
Written communication

Part A. Forms of written communication

1. Warming up.

a. What forms of written communication in business do you know?

b. Which of them do you usually use at your workplace?

c. Which of them do you use seldom and why?

2. Look at the graph and tell what you know about these methods of written communication.

3. Work in pairs. Match each sentence with a particular workplace communication given above. Guess what form of written communication is not described and suggest your description of it.

1. It is primarily a source of information to the management or an individual which presents facts, conclusion, and recommendations in simple and clear words, in a logical and well defined structure to help decision making.

2. These are generally short means of written communication within an organization. They are used to convey specific information to the people within an organization.

3. It is one of the most important types of written business communication having a good appealing layout and an impact on goodwill of the organization, divided into paragraphs, enclosed in an envelope, and used for future reference.

4. These are basically a written record of key information or occurrence within a meeting. They will typically include any significant decisions or agreements and provide a useful summary of key issues or points raised within any discussions.

5. These are usually the least formal method of written communication within the workplace and will usually include various notices or information relating to welfare and safety issues. This approach may also be utilized to inform employees of forthcoming events.

6. These are written records of established practices such as instructions on how to undertake specific tasks and work policies helping new employees to understand key procedures and approaches and then put these into practice in their daily work.

4. Read the text and answer the question which is the heading of the text.


Business writing is a type of written communication, usually with standard structure and style. It addresses the needs of specific audiences and concerns some specific business.

It serves as both the content and channel for one’s decisions, ideas, tasks, solutions, plans, and reflects your level of qualification, sense of culture and your personality. In fact, companies that use written communication with courage, innovation, and discipline are more effective at producing ideal business outcomes.

This type of communication is used almost everyday in the corporate world: from emails, memos, new policies and instructions to huge client presentations, research and development, and marketing campaigns.

Almost one third of business people spend their work time conveying information to others, another third — receiving and using this information. Thus, it is vitally important to be keen in this kind of office work.

Fundamentally, poor business writing is costly and leads to disastrous events. Great amount of money is lost due to insufficient writing skills among business people. It happens, for example, when a customer does not understand the email, marketing tool, or proposal by a company because of wrong grammar or awkward style and tone. Besides poorly written materials might form an undesirable impression of how a company runs its business.

5. Look through some examples of discourse and distribute them into two columns: oral and written. Give your comment on the way you are doing it.


1. Recent independent customer has shown a high level of customer satisfaction with our products and services.

2. I love being able to work out what a client needs and do it.

3. Basic office administration, typing letters and reports, bookkeeping, that sort of thing.

4. The number of delegates per conference has been falling down: last year there was on the average 430 delegates per conference, whereas the average was reached 400 this year.

5. I mean, customers have lots to read and may just put the newsletter in the bin.

6. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at any time convenient to you.

7. Following recent discussions with divisional heads, the board has taken the decision to open an R&D facility in Scotland, UK, where a lot ground-breaking biotech work is taking place.

8. Do you think, can you predict that there’re going to be other new technologies coming out that will change business in the future in the same way that the Internet has?

6. Think about characteristic features of written type of communication compared to the oral contacts and write them down into the table.

1. Full sentences.
2. A lot of contractions.

7. Work in pairs. Look through the list of main principles of good writing and distribute them into three main elements of writing. Ask your partner how he or she understands these principles.

Element 1: Appropriate use of media__________________________________________________________

Element 2: Writing style__________________________________________________________

Element 3: Content__________________________________________________________

1. You should understand the appropriate use of emails, letters, memoranda and other forms of written communication;

2. You should be able to produce written work which is appropriate for the chosen medium and the recipient and which:

• Uses accurate, straight-forward and modern language;

• Uses correct spelling, grammar, syntax and punctuation;

• Has a clear, logical, consistent and appropriate structure and format;

• Has been checked and edited.

3. You should be able to choose the appropriate medium, form and style;

4. You should be able to produce written work which:

• Forms a coherent whole and, where appropriate, advances the matter;

• Addresses accurately and correctly all the relevant legal and factual issues and, where appropriate, identifies practical options including the costs, benefits and risks of those options;

• Identifies clearly clients’ objectives and priorities, addresses their concerns and carries out their instructions;

• Accurately and systematically records a meeting or presentation and its outcomes.

5. You should be able to tailor the written communication to suit the purpose of the communication and the needs of different clients or recipients.

8. Complete the text with your ideas according to the tasks given in the text.

What is to be considered before writing a business letter?

A. The Purpose. This will serve as the direction, the reference, and the path of your details. This will set the tone, the style, and structure of your letter. This is your message and your goal. Defining your purpose will set things right at the very beginning. In your writing you may: inform, persuade, argue, invite, confirm information, make an inquiry, ask for approval, reject or approve, propose or suggest, etc. If your purpose is to excite and invite the employees to join the annual talent contest of the company as a team-building effort, you cannot bore them with long paragraphs explaining how the activity will help boost their productivity, write too formal sentences, or use heavy office or work jargon.

Task. Make your own profile of purpose in a business letter.

B. The Audience. Another significant step in order to make an impact on your audience is to know them. Look at company’s affairs in the Internet, consider its professional and financial position, and bear in mind religious, cultural and other sensitive issues. Your communication in this case would be much effective and profitable. You can also take a look at the company’s communication style through its public documents and press releases. This way, you know how you should convey your message to them. Use the right language.

Task. Write 3 sentences to congratulate the nearby school management and the financial department your pay taxes to with Christmas and New Year.

C. Questions to yourself to be put before writing. To feel your partner more comfortable it is good to put to yourself the guide questions as you develop your writing. One example of these questions is given. Example: Why does the reader care?

Task. Put some more questions.

How................ ?

What should ............?

When .............?

What happens ..............?

What ..................?

Who ……………………..? Why ...................?

Where does................ ?

9. The importance of being literate. Look through the text, analyze your skills in proper using English grammar and, if necessary, study or revise grammar rules. Use any grammar text-book.

Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Настоящий учебник разработан на кафедре английского языка № 2 на основе федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (ФГОС ВПО) третьего поколения и предназначен для обучения по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция».

 Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Настоящий учебник разработан на кафедре английского языка № 2 на основе федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (ФГОС ВПО) третьего поколения и предназначен для обучения по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция».

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