Английский и др. языки Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 27.03.2018
ISBN: 9785392257874
Объем текста: 114 стр.


Пояснительная записка

Глава 1. Трудоустройство юриста. Профессиональные компетенции юриста. Портфолио

Глава 2. Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки устной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

Глава 3. Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки письменной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

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Глава 2.
Деловое общение юриста. Формы и навыки устной коммуникации в ситуациях профессионального общения

Цель изучения главы:

• формирование способности свободно пользоваться иностранным языком как средством делового общения в профессиональной сфере при установлении личных контактов и осуществлении устной коммуникации с партнерами и клиентами.

В результате работы над главой магистрант должен:


• значение единиц речевого этикета, структуру построения и ведения делового дискурса, правила делового этикета;

• идиоматические выражения, клише, единицы речевого этикета, применяемые в ситуациях межличностного общения в рамках заданной темы;

• стандартные формы осуществления устной коммуникации при знакомстве, личных встречах, общении по телефону и ведении переговоров;

• правила делового этикета (невербальные средства общения, внешний вид).


• моделировать ситуации межличностного общения в рамках профессиональной коммуникации юриста;

• анализировать значение невербальных средств общения при осуществлении межличностной коммуникации;

• вычленять, структурировать и понимать информацию, ограниченную коммуникативным заданием, а также воспринимать и осмысливать сообщения с учетом намерения, установки, состояния и проч. говорящего;

• построить собственную речь с элементами рассуждения, критики, оценки, выражения собственного мнения;

• осуществлять собственное высказывание в ситуациях профессионального общения с опорой на модели и самостоятельно;

• написать эссе о современных средствах деловой коммуникации для «Портфолио достижений».


• навыками построения делового дискурса посредством современных средств коммуникации, включая интернет-программы и другие интерактивные методы общения;

• навыками применения формул речевого этикета и нормативных правил поведения в ситуациях делового общения;

• навыками поиска необходимой информации посредством мультимедийных средств и интернет-ресурсов.

Unit 2.
Business contacts and communication

Part A. Communication

1. Warming up. Look at the graph and tell what should be done and developed by the student to acquire each of the skills to become an effective communicator.

2. Look through the text and answer the questions.

1. Who can be called an effective communicator?

2. What does business verbal communication involve?

3. What forms of verbal communication are used in business?

4. How can nonverbal communication help build your professional image?

Communication is one of the most important tools in business, necessary for success and advancement. It is not a secret that to be hired and to have a promotion, to be successful and eventually advanced in business, one should be an effective communicator — verbally, non-verbally, and digitally — and be able to integrate communication types in different settings.

Every day businessmen interact verbally with a variety of people — equals, subordinates, supervisors, men and women alike. Verbal communication in business often involves expressing opinions, emotions, giving orders and winning over clients. When doing any of these things, it’s important to be level headed, ask questions and back up any opinions you give with hard evidence. A good business verbal communicator is delicate but confident.

For example, you wouldn’t say, “Our economic climate has gone right down the drain in the past three years”, without backing up the statement with facts, figures and sources. In addition, unless it’s essential to winning over a client, controversial opinions like this should be left out of the workplace. Your personal opinions, if unrelated to daily operations of the business, might isolate your clients and offend people around you. You should always back up any statement made in a business setting, avoiding controversy but exuding confidence.

In addition, keep a steady, positive tone of voice; ask lots of questions during meetings; have a list of questions written out before the meeting; answer the phone confidently and professionally; and when telling someone to do something, ask politely and tactfully.

Forms of verbal communication in business include conference calls, video conferences, staff meetings, presentations and daily interactions in the workplace. During personal interactions, verbal communication is used alongside nonverbal communication — a priceless pairing!

According to the data of scientific research, nonverbal communication or body language makes up 93 percent of our daily communication in the workplace. Everything works to create your physical image. Certain elements are unchangeable, such as age, gender and ethnicity, so it’s important to pay extra attention to the elements you can control.

Build a professional image. Wear appropriate and aesthetically pleasing clothes to work, maintain a business-appropriate haircut, shave your face, and do not wear revealing clothing. All of these elements come together to form your image, so it’s important to get all of them right in the business world.

Make eye contact when talking or listening to someone. Fiddling with your phone, computer or documents is offensive to many people. Pay attention to your posture. If sitting down, do not slouch in your chair. Lean forward attentively. When standing up, keep an approachable posture — don’t slouch, keep an overall inviting visage.

What you say is important, but so is what you don’t say. Your appearance — from your clothes and hair to your posture and attentiveness — can make or break your business image, rendering you approachable or unapproachable.

3. Make up the conclusion after reading the text starting with one of the wise sayings given below.

1. “Two monologues do not make a dialogue”.

2. “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said”.

3. “When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first”.

4. “There cannot be greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse”.

5. “From listening comes wisdom and from speaking, repentance”. (Proverb).

4. Guess the opposite meaning of the phrases and fill out the table. Make up a short report on the differences between formal and informal types of communication illustrating each position with your examples.

2. totally controlled by the management

3. has documentary evidence

official decorum and discipline are not followed
5. time consuming

6. no chance of misunderstanding

strict rules are not followed. So possibility for mistakes is very high

5. Look through the text and decide what ways of communication can be considered as

a) oral; b) written; c) mixed.


Businesses rely on communication for almost every aspect of their operation. From conducting sensitive conversations between two individuals to instantly disseminating critical information across a mass audience and even recruiting new customers, a number of established and emerging channels allow businesses to meet a number of communication needs.

Business communication encompasses great amount of topics such as marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behaviour, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event management. It is also closely related to the field of professional and technical communication.

Business communication process can be effective if a two way information sharing process is used. It usually involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party. Effective communication by business managers facilitates information sharing between company employees and can substantially contribute to its commercial success.

6. Match the channels of communication with their descriptions.

1. face-to-face meetings
a. documenting the activities of any department
2. written communication
b. audio visualization of material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash
3. telephone conversations
c. talks in person succeeded by a written follow up
4. web-based communication
d. interactive meetings of people in different locations
5. video conferencing
e. long distance speech of two or more partners
6. reports
f. letters, e-mails, faxes, notes
7. presentations
g. posting information to a centralized location; suggestion box
8. forum boards
h. media channels for better and improved communication

7. Sum up information from exercises 5 and 6 by building up the graph with putting proper information in it and connecting its parts. Present information on the topic: “Ways and channels of business communication”.

8. Work in pairs and discuss the questions with your partner.

1. What ways and channels of communication do you usually use at work or studying?

2. What of them are more preferable for you and why?

3. What ways of communication are the most problematic for you and how are you going to overcome these difficulties?

4. Have you ever heard about the suggestion box? Can it be used for your business?

9. Look through the helpful tips for a successful face-to-face form of communication and write down headings to each of the tips.


Face-to-face communication helps to make personal connections in business and will help to sell a product or a service to the customer. As during the face-to-face communication your tone, pitch, and body language is observed by your partner, this kind of interaction can greatly contribute to your business relations or, if wrongly used, may worsen them. Information is easier to access and delivered immediately with face-to-face interactions rather than waiting for an email or phone call. Conflicts are also easily resolved this way, as verbal and non-verbal cues are observed and acted upon.


Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Настоящий учебник разработан на кафедре английского языка № 2 на основе федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (ФГОС ВПО) третьего поколения и предназначен для обучения по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция».

 Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Федотова О.Л., Иванова-Холодная О.Е. Деловой иностранный язык. Английский язык для юристов. Учебник для магистров

Настоящий учебник разработан на кафедре английского языка № 2 на основе федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов (ФГОС ВПО) третьего поколения и предназначен для обучения по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция».

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