Английский и др. языки Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А. Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 07.08.2015
ISBN: 9785392193509
Объем текста: 243 стр.








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A selective list of common terms

absenteeism – regular absence from work, usually without a good reason

acceptance sampling – a method of measuring random samples of lots or batches of products against predetermined quality standards

acquire – to take over a company by buying its shares (to make an acquisition) added value or value

added – the difference between a firm’s total revenues and its purchases from other firms

administer – to direct or control or manage or run a company, institution, government department, etc.

administrator – a person who runs or manages an institution, government department, etc. (and so is responsible for the institution’s administration)

adopt – to accept or select and follow or use a plan, technique, product, etc.

advertise – to make something known to the public, by placing notices or messages in various media (newspapers, television, etc.)

advertisement (often abbreviated to ad or advert) – a paid communication in the media designed to inform and persuade people about products or services (see commercial)

advertiser – a person or organisation that advertises

advertising – the business of creating and placing advertisements

advertising agency – a company that handles advertising sales promotions for clients

advertising budget – the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its advertising and buying media time and space

advertising campaign – the advertising of a particular product during a particular period of time

affiliate – to join or associate with someone or something; one of a group of companies which is wholly or party owed by another

affirmative action or positive discrimination – a policy of recruiting women and members of ethnic minorities in order to reduce discrimination against these groups

after-market product – a product that requires continual supplies (e.g. cameras that require films, photocopiers that require paper, etc.)

after-sales service – the maintenance of a product it has been bought

agenda – the official list of items to be discussed at a meeting

agent – a person who negotiates purchases and sales in return for commission or a fee

allocate – to assign or designate resources for a particular purpose

allowed time – the time fixed for a worker to do a certain task

amalgamate – to join two or more businesses into a single organisation; to merge, to combine

amortization – to reduce a debt or write off a cost by small regular amounts (to amortize) (see depreciation)

analyse or analyze – to examine in detail; to break a whole down into components or essential features annual report – a document published by companies every year including details of activities and financial statements

anti-trust laws – legislation (especially in the USA) to prevent commercial and industrial companies forming large, potentially monopolistic combinations

appearance – what a product looks like

appliance – a device, machine or piece of equipment, (e.g. household appliances like fridges, cookers, etc.)

applicant – a person who applies for a job

application form – a printed document supplied by companies to job applicants, asking questions about their background, experience, etc.

apply – to make an application or request (e.g. for a job); to make use of something (e.g. methods, techniques, etc.)

appoint – to give someone a job or position or responsibility

appraise – to judge, assess, or evaluate a person’s (usually a subordinate’s) job performance (to make an appraisal)

apprentice – someone who works for a skilled or qualified person in order to learn a trade or profession

apprenticeship – the period of being an apprentice

arbitration or mediation – the settling or conciliation of a dispute by a neutral and impartial third party agreed upon by both sides (to arbitrate; an arbitrator; to mediate; a mediator)

assets – economic resources that are expected to benefit future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows

asset turnover – see total asset turnover

assemble – to put together the different components of a product

assembly line or production line – an arrangement of machines in a factory, perhaps connected by a moving conveyor belt, which progressively put together components to make a product

assess – to estimate or evaluate, to make an assessment (of a risk, an employee’s performance, etc.)

asset-stripping – the practice of buying a poorly performing company and then selling off the assets at a profit

attain – to achieve or accomplish tasks, goals, aims, results, etc.

attributes – features or characteristics of a product: quality, price, reliability, etc.

audit – an examination that is made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Its aim is to give credibility to financial statements

audit committee – a committee of the board of directors that oversees the internal accounting controls, financial statements, and financial affairs of the corporation

automation – the use of machines, robots and computers to reduce the amount of work done by people and to do it more quickly (to automate)

autonomy – freedom to determine one’s own behaviour and actions

average outgoing quality – the percentage of defects in an average lot of goods inspected through acceptance sampling

back order – an order which has not been carried out the promised delivery date

background – a person’s education, qualifications, work experience, etc.

backhander – an informal term for a bribe

backlog of orders – all the orders received by a company that still have to be carried out or delivered

backward integration – taking over or merging with suppliers of raw materials

backward scheduling – a way of determining the latest possible starting and finishing dates for important production activities, by subtracting the lengths of time necessary for the different operations, starting with the last one

balance – the difference between the total left-side and right-side amounts in an account at any particular time

balance sheet – a photograph of financial status at an instant of time

balanced line – a production line on which the times required for different activities are similar, and the rates of output of different work centres are the same (so that no buffer stocks are necessary)

balanced loading – arranging production activities so that the quantity of output from one work centre is the same as the quantity of inputs required by the next one

ballot – a secret vote, often used by labour unions for elections, important decisions, etc.

bargain – to negotiate, e.g. about prices or wages; something bought at a very good price

bargaining power – the power of a person or group of people in negotiations about wages, prices, working conditions, etc.

barriers to entry – constraints that prevent or deter new produces from entering an industry

basic pay – a guaranteed amount of money given to a worker who can earn more from overtime, sales commissions, etc.

batch – a number or quantity of things produced at one time

batching – producing quantities larger than job lots (see jobbing)

bean-counter – an unfriendly or critical term for an accountant

benchmarking – looking outside the firm to see what good competitors are doing, and adopting the best practices

benefits – non-physical attributes added to a product, such as delivery, credit facilities, maintenance, a guarantee, etc. (see also fringe benefits)

best operating level – the level of capacity for which the average unit cost is at a minimum, after which point there are diseconomies of scale

bid – an offer to buy something at a particular price; to make an offer

blitz – an intensive and expensive advertising campaign

blue-collar worker – someone working in a factory or other manual job

board of directors – a group of people elected by a company’s shareholders to determine the overall policy of a company

bonus – something extra, usually a payment, often given as a reward for good work or high productivity, or for undertaking a dangerous or unpleasant job

boss – an informal term for a superior (someone who employs or is in charge of others)

bottleneck – a point where work accumulates because the capacity of the next work centre is insufficient

bottom-up management – a system in which ideas can come from lower levels of the hierarchy

boycott – an organized refusal by a group of people to deal with an organisation, e.g. consumers who refuse to buy a certain manufacturer’s products for ethical reasons

brand – a product that is distinguished from those of competitors by a name, sign, symbol, design, etc.

break-even point – the production volume necessary to cover all variable and fixed costs

breakdown – a temporary halt to production because a machine has stopped working

bribery – giving people in official positions money or other presents to try to get them to do something for you (to bride, a bride)

brochure – a small booklet or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or company

broker – an agent in a particular market, such as securities, commodities, insurance, etc.

brown goods – a term for electronic goods, eg televisions and hi-fi equipment (see also white goods)

budget – a financial operating plan for a business, showing expected income and expenditure

buffer stock – in an unbalanced line, the quantity of materials, pieces or products that have to be stored between the different work centres

built-in obsolescence – designing products so that they will not last a long time, or will be replaced by new products that are more efficient or economical before the old one is worn out

bundling – offering a group of products or services together, at a special price (e.g. a personal computer and various pieces of software)

bureaucracy – a disapproving term for an organisational system employing a lot of people (bureaucrats) following a lot of rules (being bureaucratic)

business – an organisation that makes or buys and sells goods or provides a service; or trade and commerce in general

business cycle – changes in the level of business activity, as the economy alternately expands and contracts, in upturns and downturns or booms and recessions

business hours – the time during the day when shops, offices, banks, etc, are usually open for work

business leaders or captain of industry – newspaper terms for the heads of important companies

business plan – a written report stating a company’s plans regarding sales, product development, financing, etc.

business trip – a journey undertaken to meet clients or business partners and discuss business topics

businesslike – well organized, efficient

buyer or purchaser – either a customer who buys goods or a service, or a person who purchases goods for a company or a shop or store

candidate – a person who applies for a job, who takes a test or examination, or who tries to get elected to a position of authority

capacity – the number of products that can be produced by a production facility in a given period of time

capacity utilization rate – the capacity used divided by design capacity

capital – the money required to buy the assets of a business

capital expenditure – an acquisition with long-term effects intended to benefit more than the current fiscal year

capital goods – goods that are used to make further goods; the goods that make up the industrial market

capital intensive – describes an industry that requires a large amount of capital per employee to produce its products

career – a person’s occupation or profession, and his or her progress through it (with promotions, etc.)

carry on – to continue doing something

carry out – to put a plan, proposal, etc. into operation carrying costs or holding

costs – the expenses involved in keeping a stock or inventory

cartel – a group of manufactures or sellers who combine to avoid competition and increase profits by fixing prices and quantities

cash – money in the form of coins and banknotes

cash discount – a price reduction offered for immediate cash payment

cash flow – a company’s ability to earn cash; the amount of cash made during a specified period that can be used for investment

casting vote – a vote, usually that of a chairperson, used to decide an issue on which voting is equally divided

casual work or casual labour – work done irregularly, for periods of time

catalogue – a booklet listing all the products or services offered by a company

centralization – grouping together in one place all a company’s planning, control, and decision-making activities

chain of command – the route by which order can be passed down the levels of a hierarchy from superiors to subordinates

chairman – the person in charge of the board of directors of a company (in Britain) (see president)

chairman or chairperson or chair – the person in charge of a meeting

changeover – the act of adapting the equipment on a production line to start producing a different product

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – the person responsible for the running of a company (in the USA) (see managing director)

classify – to categorize, to arrange or order by classes (to make a classification)

client – a person or organisation that hires professional services (of a lawyer, auditing firm, advertising agency, etc.)

clock in and out, or on and off – to insert a card in a timing machine, to show what time you start and finish work

closed shop – an agreement in a factory or an entire industry according to which all employees must belong to a trade union

co-ordinate – to organize and integrate elements into a harmonious whole

cognitive dissonance – the difference between a consumer’s expectations and a product’s performance

collaborate – to work together with other people, companies, etc.

colleague – a person with whom you work, especially someone of approximately equal rank

collective bargaining – group negotiations between trade unions, representing lots of workers, and employers

commerce – trade: the buying and selling of goods, and all related activities

commercial (adjective) – concerned with commerce; designed in order to appeal to a wide audience and so make a lot of money

commercial – an advertisement broadcast on television or radio

commission – money paid to sales representatives, proportional to the total value of the goods they sell

committee – a group of people chosen or appointed to perform a specified task (or to talk about it!)

commodity – any goods that can be bought; a raw material or primary product traded on special markets (metals, foodstuffs, etc.)

common parts – components selected or designed to be used in a number of different products or models

common pricing – an agreement between companies to sell at the same prices, or to tender at the same price

communications mix – a company’s use of the different promotional tools (advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling)

communications strategy – the choice of communication methods: which promotional tools to use

community relations – a company’s dealings with the people of the area in which it is located

company – an association of people formally registered as a business (partnership, limited company, etc.)

compensation – like remuneration, an alternative term for pay and benefits, often used in relation to senior managers; and money paid in return for loss, injury or damage (to compensate)

compete – to try to get business for oneself or one’s company, against rivals in the same industry

competition – rivalry between businesses in the same market; a contest with prizes used as a sales promotion

competitive – able to offer a good price compared with rivals

competitive advantage – the value created by a company and passed on to its customers that makes it better than its competitors (e.g. cheaper or a better product)

competitive strategy – a plan for achieving a company’s objectives; a particular utilization of resources

competitiveness – relative position in the marketplace

competitor – a rival organisation offering similar goods or services

compromise – the settlement of a dispute or disagreement by concessions on all sides

conditions of employment – a statement of an employee’s and the employer’s obligations, often incorporated in a job contract

conglomerate – a large corporation, or a group of companies, marketing a large number of different goods

consensus – agreement among a group of people about a decision or a shared opinion

constraint – something which control or limits possible behaviour (to constrain)

consult – to ask people’s opinions or advice (in a consultation)

consultant – a person or company that sells expert or specialist advice (e.g. a management consultant)

consumer – a person who buys and uses goods or services; a person whose needs are satisfied by producers

consumer durables – consumer goods designed to last for a number of years (cars, furniture, electrical goods, etc.)

consumer goods – goods in everyday use, such as food, clothing, household goods, and services such as hairdressing, retail banking, etc.

consumer panel or diary panel – a group of shoppers who record their purchases of all or selected products, for use in market research

consumerism – the name given to attempts by consumers to increase their rights and powers in relation to sellers

continuous production – production involving the continuous processing of raw materials (24 hours a day), without start-ups and shut-downs (often used for processes involving high temperatures, e.g. making steel, glass etc.)

contract – a legal agreement between two (or more) people or organisations

contract of employment – see employment contract

contributions – regular amounts deducted from employees’ pay for sickness and unemployment insurance, a retirement pension, etc.

control – to command or direct; to check and regulate; to examine and verify

controlling interest – possession of more than 50% of a company’s voting shares, which allows you to determine policy

controls – ways of finding out whether objectives are being met

core business – an organisation’s basic or central activity

corporate – belonging to a corporation or company

corporate culture – the shared values, expectations, styles and practices of a company’s staff

corporate image – the face that a company wishes to present to the public, way of advertising, public relations, etc.

corporation – American term for what the British call a company; in Britain, a public sector organisation (e.g. local government, the British Broadcasting Corporation)

cost accounting – determining the unit cost of a particular product made by a company, including materials, labour, overheads, etc.

cost centre – a section or division of a company whose costs are separated from the rest of the business, to ensure a better control

cost leadership – a strategy that aims to create a competitive advantage by producing goods at a lower cost than competitors

costcritical path – the succession of activities which determine the minimum length of time necessary to realize a complex project

critical path method – uses a graph which illustrates all the tasks that make up a project, allowing one to find the optimal solution regarding time constraints

per thousand – a way of comparing the costs of different advertising media, based on the price of reaching 1000 consumers (often abbreviated to CPM, using the Roman figure for 1000)

cost-plus or mark-up pricing – determining a price by adding a fixed percentage to unit cost (which includes an approximate allocation of fixed costs)

costs – the expenses involved in doing or making something

craftsmanship – high quality, skilled production work

credit terms – the possibility of paying for goods in installments, over a period of time

critical path scheduling – a way of establishing a calendar for a project by using the critical path method

current assets – cash plus assets that are expected to be converted to cash or sold or consumed during the next twelve months or as a part of the normal operating cycle

current liabilities – liabilities that fall due within the coming year or within the normal operating cycle if longer than a year

current revenue pricing – setting as high a price as possible to maximize current (short-term) sales revenue

curriculum vitae or CV (GB) or rйsumй (US) – a summary of a person’s educational and professional history, written for a job application

Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов по направлениям 080500 «Менеджмент» и 080100 «Экономика», а также может быть использовано в системе дополнительного профессионального образования.<br /> Целью пособия является формирование коммуникативной и профессиональной компетенции специалиста в сфере экономики, менеджмента и делового администрирования, владеющего английским языком и умеющего его использовать как средство общения в ситуациях профессиональной деятельности.

 Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А. Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А. Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А. Деловой английский язык для менеджеров. Учебное пособие

Пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов по направлениям 080500 «Менеджмент» и 080100 «Экономика», а также может быть использовано в системе дополнительного профессионального образования.<br /> Целью пособия является формирование коммуникативной и профессиональной компетенции специалиста в сфере экономики, менеджмента и делового администрирования, владеющего английским языком и умеющего его использовать как средство общения в ситуациях профессиональной деятельности.

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