ОглавлениеАнглийский язык. 101 Типичная грамматическая ошибка. От автора Согласование подлежащего и сказуемого Для бесплатного чтения доступна только часть главы! Для чтения полной версии необходимо приобрести книгуГЕРУНДИЙ90. ОпределениеГерундий (или ing-форма глагола) часто употребляется в роли определения. При этом он ставится с предлогом после существительного, к которому относится. На русский язык он часто переводится существительным, инфинитивом или придаточным предложением. Например: difficulty in doing smth затруднение с чем-л. / в выполнении чего-л. / с тем чтобы сделать что-л. problem in doing smth проблема с чем-л. / выполнением чего-л. / ... pleasure in/of/at doing smth удовольствие от чего-л. / совершения чего-л. / ... objection to doing smth возражение против чего-л. / исполнения чего-л. / ... 90-1. Underline the Gerunds, read and translate the sentences. 1. I had great difficulty in persuading him I was telling the truth. 2. There are some difficulties in trying to manage such a large volume of data. 3. Some boys take great pleasure in teasing their little sisters. 4. The director expressed her pleasure at being asked to take over the project. 5. My main objection to hunting is that it is cruel. 6. I don't see much point in arguing about it. 7. I hate the idea of getting old. 8. The thought of failing never entered his head. 9. Do you think we have much chance of catching the train? 10. There is some question of our getting a new Managing Director. 90-2. Use the Gerunds and translate the sentences. 1. I do not foresee any difficulty in (to complete) the work on time. 2. They experienced little difficulty in (to steal) the painting. 3. I experienced problems in (to find) the right accommodation. 4. It is the first time that I've had the pleasure of (to meet) her. 5. In Java I had the pleasure of (to attend) a traditional wedding ceremony. 6. We take particular pleasure in (to have) you with us today. 7. I started to learn English with the aim of (to become) a teacher. 8. He went to the Far East with the aim of (to set up) his own business. 9. There is no point in (to arrive) half an hour early. 10. He has a strong objection to (to get up) early. 90-3. Match the English and Russian
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