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Книги на иностранных языках Vazlav Shubbe Rome: travel guide

Rome: travel guide

Данные по печатному изданию
ISBN печатный: 978-5-392-14359-7
Формат книги: 70*100/32
Оформление: Обложка
Количество страниц: 96
Размеры (ВхШхТ, мм): 165 X 115 X 5
Вес: 66 гр
Год издания: 2020
Жанр: Книги на иностранных языках
Издательство: Проспект 2020
Дата размещения: 11.09.2015
ISBN: 9785392172399
Объем текста: 52 стр.
На складе: 0 шт.
116 руб.
электронная версия
165 руб.
печатная версия

Описание книги "Rome: travel guide"

Our new Rome travel guide gives travelers every piece of information they may need about living in the immortal city. Author tells us about sightseeing, as well as gives the answers to the practical questions: where to live, how to travel the city, what to eat and, most important, how to save money. A lot of new insights in this travel guide will definitely help to those who want to visit Rome by their own and help them prepare for the trip.

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Rome: travel guide

Our new Rome travel guide gives travelers every piece of information they may need about living in the immortal city. Author tells us about sightseeing, as well as gives the answers to the practical questions: where to live, how to travel the city, what to eat and, most important, how to save money. A lot of new insights in this travel guide will definitely help to those who want to visit Rome by their own and help them prepare for the trip. <br> <br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/rome_travel_guide/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

 Vazlav Shubbe Rome: travel guide

Vazlav Shubbe Rome: travel guide

Vazlav Shubbe Rome: travel guide

Our new Rome travel guide gives travelers every piece of information they may need about living in the immortal city. Author tells us about sightseeing, as well as gives the answers to the practical questions: where to live, how to travel the city, what to eat and, most important, how to save money. A lot of new insights in this travel guide will definitely help to those who want to visit Rome by their own and help them prepare for the trip. <br> <br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/rome_travel_guide/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

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