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Книги на иностранных языках M. Myagchenkova Psychology: The Essentials

Psychology: The Essentials

Данные по печатному изданию
Жанр: Книги на иностранных языках
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 18.02.2016
ISBN: 9785392062218
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 28 стр.
руб. 56 руб.
электронная версия

Описание книги "Psychology: The Essentials"

Psychology. The essentials is a truly absorbing introduction to the science of psychology. It is meant for the students and anybody wanting to explore the subject briefly. The book provides an overview of the essential topics within the field:
- The subject and object of psychology
- Pre-scientific images of psyche
- Psychology as a science
- Methodology of psychology
- Psychophysics
- Psychophysiology
- Psychology of sense and perception
- Psychology of memory
- Psychology of concentration
- Cognitive psychology
- Psychology of thinking
- Psychology of personality
- Neuro- and pathopsychology
- The schools of psychology
- Behaviourism
- Humanistic psychology
- Psychoanalysis
- The ideas of prominent psychologists of the 20th century

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Psychology: The Essentials

Psychology. The essentials is a truly absorbing introduction to the science of psychology. It is meant for the students and anybody wanting to explore the subject briefly. The book provides an overview of the essential topics within the field:<br> - The subject and object of psychology <br> - Pre-scientific images of psyche<br> - Psychology as a science<br> - Methodology of psychology<br> - Psychophysics<br> - Psychophysiology<br> - Psychology of sense and perception<br> - Psychology of memory<br> - Psychology of concentration<br> - Cognitive psychology<br> - Psychology of thinking<br> - Psychology of personality<br> - Neuro- and pathopsychology<br> - The schools of psychology<br> - Behaviourism<br> - Humanistic psychology<br> - Psychoanalysis<br> - The ideas of prominent psychologists of the 20th century <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/psychology_the_essentials/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

 M. Myagchenkova Psychology: The Essentials

M. Myagchenkova Psychology: The Essentials

M. Myagchenkova Psychology: The Essentials

Psychology. The essentials is a truly absorbing introduction to the science of psychology. It is meant for the students and anybody wanting to explore the subject briefly. The book provides an overview of the essential topics within the field:<br> - The subject and object of psychology <br> - Pre-scientific images of psyche<br> - Psychology as a science<br> - Methodology of psychology<br> - Psychophysics<br> - Psychophysiology<br> - Psychology of sense and perception<br> - Psychology of memory<br> - Psychology of concentration<br> - Cognitive psychology<br> - Psychology of thinking<br> - Psychology of personality<br> - Neuro- and pathopsychology<br> - The schools of psychology<br> - Behaviourism<br> - Humanistic psychology<br> - Psychoanalysis<br> - The ideas of prominent psychologists of the 20th century <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/psychology_the_essentials/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

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