Религия Compiled by S. Ilichev JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Жанр: Религия
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 08.06.2016
ISBN: 9785392224548
Объем текста: 36 стр.





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(approx. 0 A.D. – 33 A.D.)

Traditionally, telling about a person, we say when he was born, how he lived, what he was, and when he died. And suddenly there is someone, about whose coming into the world in the Jewish town of Nazareth a pious virgin named Mary was told by none other, but the angels of heaven, and subsequently Her immaculate conception comes from God the Father, a fact, that itself causes a lot of questions and disputes to this day. Further life of the man, called Jesus was full of incredible wonders and amazing events, resulting in confusion of devout Jewish people, who for centuries had lived in expectation of the Messiah.

More... not accepting Him, not believing His Divine essence, the same people doom him to a martyr’s death on the cross. And when at the time of his death the heaven opens, rocks are crumbling and the dead are rising from their graves, the Jewish people are wondering in awe:

– Lord, Whom have we condemned to be crucified?

And then happens something absolutely incredible... on the third day of his death, Jesus Christ was resurrected and appeared to His disciples. His resurrection becomes a stated fact that excites the inquisitive minds of all mankind to this day, and which is no longer possible to gloss over.

So who is He?

What has He brought to our world, steeped in adultery and sins?

What has He taught to this day in all languages of the world?

Moreover, his followers – Christians, claim of His soon Second Coming. And despite the fact that Orthodox Judaism to this day acknowledge Him neither as the Messiah nor as the prophet. For them He is just another great person. Islam is ready to acknowledge Him as one of the prophets, but... previous to Mohammed, however, which brought the Holy Scriptures to the world.

We will not argue with anyone and try to prove anything. To understand who He really is, everyone of us has accept Him in his heart first of all. And this modest book can help it, offering you some of His quotes, commandments and parables..

JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

We offer you quotes from the sayings of Jesus Christ - the One Who has been devoutly worshiped by peoples of the world, and to his glory Christians committed spiritual exploitsand even suffered martyrdom. <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/jesus_christ_100_and_1_quotes1/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

Религия Compiled by S. Ilichev JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

Религия Compiled by S. Ilichev JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

Религия Compiled by S. Ilichev JESUS CHRIST. 100 and 1 quotes

We offer you quotes from the sayings of Jesus Christ - the One Who has been devoutly worshiped by peoples of the world, and to his glory Christians committed spiritual exploitsand even suffered martyrdom. <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/jesus_christ_100_and_1_quotes1/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

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