Английский и др. языки Бочарова Е.П., Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А., Рутковская Г.Л. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект
Дата размещения: 15.08.2015
ISBN: 9785392193417
Объем текста: 133 стр.


Предисловие. Методические пояснения. UNIT 1. Topic: Work – Life’s Central Activity Grammar: English Tenses. UNIT 2. Topics: Money. Managing Money Grammar: Gerund. UNIT 3. Topic: Legal Responsibilities Grammar: Participle. Participle Constructions.. Unit 4. Topic: Some Facts from the History of Manufacturing Grammar: Infinitive, Infinitive Constructions.. UNIT 5. Topics: Natural Resources and Energy Grammar: Participle Constructions: “The more... The better” “The more. The less” Passive Voice. Appendix 1. TEST SECTION. Appendix 2. The Verbs “to be”, “to have”. Appendix 3. List of Irregular Verbs. Appendix 4. Word List. Appendix 5. List of Connectives. Keys to tests

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Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов технических университетов» предназначено для студентов первых и вторых курсов и рассчитано как на аудиторную, так и самостоятельную работу студентов. Оно состоит из двух книг, содержащих семь и пять разделов соответственно, и пяти приложений, в которые входят лексико-грамматические тесты, краткий грамматический справочник в форме таблиц, перечень неправильных глаголов, словарь поурочной лексики для активного усвоения, список синтаксических связующих элементов.

Тексты подобраны по тематическому принципу и предназначены для развития различных видов чтения (изучающего, просмотрового и поискового).

1100 лексических единиц, представленных в пособии, подлежащих активному усвоению.

При отборе текстового материала и лексических единиц для активного усвоения авторы использовали оригинальные английские и американские источники.

Грамматический материал учебного пособия охватывает основные явления английского языка, необходимые для чтения и перевода общетехнической и научной литературы.

В учебном пособии предусматривается комплексное обучение различным видам речевой деятельности, при этом особое внимание уделяется развитию навыков чтения (понимания) и устной речи.


Каждый раздел (unit) состоит из трех частей (parts); первая часть объединяет предтекстовые упражнения, предназначенные для снятия фонетических, лексических и грамматических трудностей, текст для развития навыков изучающего чтения, список активных слов и систему упражнений на закрепление лексико-грамматического материала и глубокое понимание текста; вторая часть содержит материал для чтения с общим охватом содержания и систему упражнений для проверки понимания прочитанного; третья часть ориентирована на формирование навыков устной речи по изученной в первых частях тематике и содержит диалоги, ситуативно направленные упражнения и проблемно ориентированные задания, стимулирующие активную речевую практику обучающихся.

Группа упражнений, объединенных под названием Word Study, служит для работы над лексикой в ее текстовом значении, для введения, тренировки и закрепления поурочного словаря и первичной активизации лексических единиц.

Упражнения под названием Grammar Study направлены на усвоение определенных грамматических явлений, предусмотренных программой изучения английского языка для технических вузов.

Цель упражнений, включенных в раздел Text Study – обеспечить глубокое понимание текста, поэтому задания направлены на различные виды трансформаций содержательной стороны текстов.

Тестовые задания предназначены для формирования навыков самоконтроля и контроля уровня сформированности грамматических и лексических навыков. В конце пособия даны ключи ко всем тестовым заданиям, что поможет студентам самостоятельно оценить уровень своих речевых умений.

Краткий грамматический справочник составлен в виде таблиц основных грамматических явлений и примеров на их употребление.

Поурочный словарь включает все новые слова, встречающиеся в тексте, в алфавитном порядке.

Topic: Work – Life’s Central Activity
Grammar: English Tenses

Part I

Preliminary Exercises

Exercise 1. Look at these words and try to give their corresponding Russian equivalents:

factor, plan (v), personal, line, psychologist, career, style, group (v), typical, role, chief (a), ingredient.

Exercise 2. Transcribe and pronounce the following words:

identity, identify, leisure, engage, available, career, average (a), influence (v), opportunity, relationship.

Exercise 3. Take notice of this pattern and translate the sentences below:

Pattern: A (adjective) + - ty/ - ity = N (abstract noun)

active + - ty = activity;

difficult + - ty = difficulty.

1. Special attention is paid to industrial safety.

2. The control function is usually a management responsibility.

3. Young people have many opportunities nowadays but they don’t always make the most of them.

4. He is a man of marked individuality.

5. Career is the central activity around which we plan our daily lives.

6. When we say that people have ability to do something, we mean that they are able to do it.

7. People who have difficulty in associating with other people are usually more successful working alone.

Exercise 4. Give the adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives and translate them into Russian:

main – mainly; close – ..careful – ..occupational – ..professional – ..large – ... .

Exercise 5. Give the Passive Infinitive forms of the following verbs:

to place, to leam, to introduce, to ask, to think, to make, to do, to choose, to plan, to serve, to call, to reach.

Exercise 6. Transform these sentences according to the model and translate them:

Model: You must perform the work on time.

The work must be performed on time.

1. You should choose your career carefully.

2. One can’t learn a foreign language in a week.

3. Can you introduce me to Dr. Wilson?

4. You must place books in the right order.

5. When you meet a person he may ask you “What do you do?”

6. Students must plan their daily life around their studies.

7. They can’t do research without this equipment.

8. Children should serve their parents in the old age.

9. A computer can do a great amount of work in a fraction of a second.

10. We can call this idea a brilliant thought.

Remember: “For” answers the question “How long?”

“During” answers the question “When?”

The noun after “for” may have: The noun after “during” may

a, an – for a long time have:

no article – for years the – during the holidays

a numeral – for two weeks a demonstrative pronoun – during this week

some, several – for some time, a possessive pronoun – during their visit

for several hours

for ages – очень долго, целую вечность

for ever – навсегда

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with “for” or “during”.

1. ... the lesson 6. ... most of his life
2. ... the journey 7. ... a century
3. ... hours 8. ... his stay in London
4. ... the last few days 9. ... our trip
5. ... two days 10. ... the talks

Exercise 8. Say the whole sentence in English:

1. My father has lived in Vladivostok (всю свою жизнь).

2. We have had no rain (около месяца).

3. I shall remember my school years (навсегда).

4. We talked our business (во время конференции).

5. I haven’t seen you (целую вечность).

6. I am afraid it will last (много дней).

7. It stopped snowing at last but only (на несколько часов).

8. We met each other (в школьные годы).

Words and word combinations to be remembered:

earn (v) – зарабатывать

to earn one’s living – зарабатывать на жизнь

influence (v) – оказывать влияние

leisure (n) – досуг

leisure time – свободное время

opportunity (n) – удобный случай, благоприятная возможность

age (n) – возраст

trade (n) – занятие, ремесло, профессия

profession (n) – профессия

complex (a) – сложный

job (n) – работа, место работы

work force – рабочая сила

goal (n) – цель

average (a) – средний, обычный, нормальный

involve (v) – вовлекать, втягивать

to be involved in – участвовать в

major (a) – главный, более важный

amount (n) – количество

equal (a) – равный, одинаковый

similar (a) – подобный, похожий

determine (v) – определять, устанавливать

Read and translate the text

Text A. Work – Life’s Central Activity

1. Today the work you do to earn a living influences your way of life. It is the major factor in your identity. It affects your choice of friends and the way you spend your leisure time. Work gives you an opportunity to have impact on the culture in which you live. Work is the central activity around which people plan their lives. Successful work activity is necessary to achieve personal happiness.

2. In the past the variety of work activity available to a young person was limited. Few women worked outside the home. Most young people followed in the same line of works as their parents. Many became farmers, having learned how to work at an early age by helping on their parent’s farm. Others learned a trade by helping their parents or a friend of the family. There was not much choice about the kind of work a person could do.

3. During the past 50 yours, our society has become much more complex. There are now more than 20, 000 different jobs. Most women now work for at least 25 years of their lives outside the home. Women have become an important part of the work force. Most people no longer perform their work activities in the home – they travel to work. Thus, many young people never see their parents engaged in the work activity which earns the family livelihood. While there are several thousand kinds of work which are available to young people, there is less opportunity to closely observe work activity today than there was 50 years ago.

4. Psychologists tell us that one of the things which most disturb young people is the lack of an occupational identity. That is, too many young people have no picture of themselves some five or ten years in the future. They have no career goals. They don’t know where they are going. Young people who know where they are going occupationally have a goal to pursue. They have a purpose.

5. As you daydream (as everyone does) about your future, have you thought carefully about how your work affects you and your overall lifestyle? Did you know, for example, that half of the average person’s lifetime is spent at or involved in work? Your work, or career, is not something that affects you only during working hours. If you are going to spend most of your walking hours involved in some kind of work activity for most of your adult life, you can see how important it is to spend some time planning this facet of your future.

Word Study

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the active vocabulary.

1. Colleges and universities are free to determine their own individual standards, admission and graduation requirements.

2. The faculties must prepare their students to earn a living immediately after graduation.

3. The main principle of our educational system is an equal opportunity of getting education.

4. You may take courses in adult evening school.

5. Some people believe that traditional family values are now in danger.

6. The average human life is now longer.

7. Various schools and systems are similar in structure.

8. Does education influence culture or does culture influence education?

9. Old age is highly respected in China.

10. One of the goals of education is to bring people together.

11. More than 30 software firms were involved in the project.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words of the active vocabulary:

average, goal, work force, jobs, leisure, make up, involved, major, alone, complex.

1. The proportion of women in the total ... is about 52 percent.

2. The ... of education may be money, status, power, or simply knowledge.

3. The speaker showed the ... tendencies in the development of science.

4. Many different cultural traditions, ethnic sympathies, racial and religious groups ... the people of America.

5. Few of us like to be told that we are ... or typical.

6. There are many families in which women have to raise their children ... .

7. A very small proportion of the country’s population is ... in agriculture.

8. A large number of students hold ... in addition to studying.

9. Many people are too busy in their jobs and cannot enjoy ... .

10. The world around us is becoming more and more ... .

Exercise 3. Make the pairs of synonyms:

a) affect, occupational identity, trade, goal, culture, equal, similar, major, central, job, lifestyle;

b) important, career goal, chief, like, the same, influence, way of life, purpose, career, occupation, society.

Exercise 4. See the difference between “some” and “the same” and translate the sentences:

1. Children must have some of the duties at home.

2. All mothers are the same in their love for their children.

3. Some computers are designed so that they never give wrong answers.

4. He is the same age as his wife.

5. We have lived in the same house for twenty years.

6. Some years ago he married a girl whose mother is an expert cook.

7. I can’t eat the same food every day.

8. Some mothers see their daughters as teachers because they themselves always wanted to be teachers.

9. The day will come when we can reach some stars.

10. People can use the_same words in different meanings.

11. Knowledge and experience are not the same thing.

12. Values of life will not be the same when your children grow up as they are today.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with “some” or “the same”:

1. These facts are not new to us, we received ... information two days ago.

2. I hear you have ... important information.

3. They are not close friends, they simply took economics at ... college.

4. ... students get to college bus.

5. ... people smoke, ... don’t.

6. They smoke ... sort of cigarettes.

7. I have ... good friends among actors.

8. My brother and I are in ... group at college.

9. They are twins, they were born on ... day.

10. We used ... materials in all the experiments.

Exercise 6. Read the following sentences and note “that” and “those” which” are used in place of nouns, singular or plural:

1. The climate of California is different from that of Alaska.

2. The relationship between parents and children in China is much different from that in the West.

3. Compare the newspapers of today with those of a hundred years ago.

4. Planetary distances are about a million times greater than those of ordinary, everyday life.

5. The article included, among other things, that of the total number of Indians in the United States.

6. Like schools in Britain and other English speaking countries those in the U.S. provide a lot of sports activities.

7. You can see greatest contrast of the present educational standards with those of the past.

8. The human memory is a filing system that has a far greater capacity than that of the largest computer.

9. It is a mark of a cultured man that he is interested not only in his own thoughts and feelings but in those of others.

Exercise 7. Choose the right word:

1. It is a very interesting (work, job).

2. What time do you get home from (work, job)?

3. Over three million people are now out of (work, job) in Britain.

4. She got a (work, job) as a secretary when she left college.

5. If you are looking for a (work, job) as typist why don’t you read the advertisements in the evening paper?

6. The principal of equal pay for equal (work, job) has now been accepted.

7. A lot of married women have (work, job) nowadays.

8. She’s constantly changing (works, jobs).

9. Peter’s (work, job) has improved this term.

10. I have much (work, job) to do.

11. This is one of Bethoven’s early (works, jobs).

12. I’m looking for a new (work, job).

Exercise 8. Say the following in English:

1. Моя работа мне нравится.

2. Он ищет более интересную работу.

3. Она устроилась работать машинисткой в издательстве (publishing house).

4. У меня завтра будет много работы.

5. Он хочет сменить работу.

6. Этот пейзаж – одна из последних работ Левитана.

7. Ирина еще не пришла с работы?

8. В саду всегда много работы.

9. Она не хочет потерять работу.

10. Ходить по магазинам и стряпать считается женской работой.

Grammar Study

Exercise 1. Study the following models. Analyze the sentences below in the same way and translate them:

Models: 1. Where is the letter I gave you to read?

Where is the letter? – I gave you to read it.

Where is the letter which I gave you to read?

2. The man I wanted to see was away on business.

The man – I wanted to see him – was away on business.

The man who I wanted to see was away on business.

3. This is a book the professor referred to in his lecture.

This is the book – the professor referred to it in his lecture.

This is the book that the professor referred to in his lecture.

1. Every person should like the work he does to earn a living.

2. How old is the company you work for?

3. This is a job you are interested in.

4. My friend takes every chance of getting a job he is qualified for.

5. Ellen will go back to work as soon as she finds a job she likes and feels she can do well.

6. He is a kind of person I would like to be.

7. Perhaps the biggest mistake you could make in your life would be to start a job you are not interested in.

8. They had to live on the money they had saved.

9. When you plan your budget you should determine how to use the money you earn.

10. Naturally you will be interested in the amount you will be paid.

11. The work you do largely determines your way of life.

12. Parents want to make the children into people they could be proud of.

13. A large part of the work we do involves using computers.

Exercise 2. Give Participle II of the following regular verbs and pronounce them in accordance with the three variants of the endings [d], [t], [id]:

to answer, to arrange, to attend, to play, to close, to develop, to discover, to discuss, to enter, to equip, to establish, to introduce, to pass, to offer, to provide, to receive, to publish, to help, to construct, to fail.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

have just 
helped them.
translated texts into English.
attended seminars on psychology.
equipped the laboratory with a new computer.
passed an exam in math.
received a letter from the company.
been to England.
haven’t introduced the new method into the production
listened to the latest news
answered their letter
discussed the development of the experiment
learned many new words
arranged the meeting
this week
this month
(ever) published your article in their journal
constructed the new building of the University
written letters to your foreign colleagues
looked through the newspapers been in Russia
failed to finish the work



Exercise 4. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues:

1. A: I haven’t read this book yet. Have you?

B: No, I haven’t read it either.

(A: had lunch, decided where to go for the summer vacation, returned books to the library;

B: had it, decided it, returned them).

2. A1: What’s Ann doing?

B: She’s reading a book.

A2: Has she done her homework yet?

B: Yes, she has.

(A2: washed the dishes, typed the letter, bought any bread).

3. A: I met Peter yesterday.

B: How’s he? I haven’t seen him lately.

A: He is fine.

(A: Nick, Frank; B: this month, this week).

4. A: Bob has just come back from Moscow.

B: Oh, has he? How did he like it? I was there last year and I liked it very much.

(A: St. Petersburg, Rome, London).

Exercise 5. Study the model and complete using suitable time expressions: this year, this month, this week, today.

Model: Last year Dr. Brown wrote one paper.

This year he has written two.

1. Last year Dr. Brown went to two countries.

2. Last year he read three Russian papers.

3. Last time he visited one of our laboratories.

4. Last time he came here with his family.

5. Last month he gave two lectures at the Far Eastern Technical University.

6. He was in Italy last year.

Exercise 6. Confirm the following statements by reference to the exact time in the past:

Model: Student 1: You have read this article, haven’t you?

Student 2: Yes, I read it last month.

1. You have met Dr. Green, haven’t you?

2. Dr. Green has been to this country, hasn’t he?

3. You have heard his lecture, haven’t you?

4. He has told you about his research, hasn’t he?

5. Dr. Green has been twice to see your faculty, hasn’t he?

6. You have made friends with some foreign students, haven’t you?

7. Some of them have been to the country, haven’t they?

8. You have had mush practice in English with native speakers, haven’t you?

Exercise 7. Listen to the statements with “I” read by Student 1. Make statements with the same verb about your friend:

Model: Student 1: I have recently visited a chemical laboratory.

Student 2: My friend has recently visited a research centre.

1. I have recently collected interesting material for my course paper (graduation paper).

2. I have never attended seminars on sociology (economics).

3. I have already looked through “Science and Life” (“Nature”).

4. I have gained some experience in computering (typing).

5. I have recently found an interesting article on optics in our library (electronics).

6. I have had little interesting work lately (much).

7. I have had much practice in English lately (German).

8. I have lately been very busy writing my course paper (thesis).

Exercise 8. Say what you have done recently, lately, this year, this week.

Exercise 9. Ask and answer the following questions:

Model: Teacher: Ask another student if he has ever visited a modern laboratory?

Student 1: Have you ever visited a modern laboratory?

Student 2: No, but I am thinking of visiting a modern laboratory of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

1. Ask another student if he has ever been to London?

2. ... if he has worked much lately.

3. ... if he has collected any good material for his report.

4. ... if he has talked to native English speakers.

5. ... if he has read many book in English.

6. ... if he has ever been to any English speaking countries.

Exercise 10. Translate the following into English:

1. Закройте, пожалуйста, окно. – Я уже закрыл.

2. Ты купила хлеб и сливочное масло? – Да.

3. Могли бы вы перевести этот текст сейчас? – Я уже перевел его.

4. Вы еще не обедали. Давайте пообедаем в кафе.

5. Я не видел Андрея в последнее время. – Я тоже.

6. Ты сегодня была в библиотеке? – Нет, еще не была.

7. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы (to play chess) с Олегом? Хорошо ли он играет? – Я не знаю. Я никогда с ним не играл.

Exercise 11. Translate these sentences paying special attention to the Perfect Tense forms:

1. Sometimes parents think they have chosen their children’s careers.

2. The old often say to the young: “I have crossed more bridges than you have crossed streets”.

3. He knew that the Browns had gone to Scotland by car.

4. Before the Revolution in 1776, the American colonies had already had nine colleges. Most of them later became Universities.

5. We can’t forget our parents who have done so much for us.

6. We have become used (привыкнуть) to machines that are more powerful, more accurate, and faster than we are.

7. Before the exhibition closes 100 thousand people will have attended it.

8. He settled down in India because he had made several earlier visits there.

9. By the end of the year they will have completed their experiment.

10. By 1900, according to several criteria, the USA had become the greatest industrial nation. Today, the American economy no longer dominates the world as it did then.

11. Most Europeans have already been to America, even if they have never placed one foot on American soil (земля). They have seen, heard, and read much about this land.

12. Before we make the experiment they will have published their work.

Text Study

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

1) как вы проводите свободное время?

2) воздействовать на общество;

3) доступное молодому человеку;

4) вне дома;

5) занимались той же работой, что и родители;

6) не было большого выбора;

7) не видят своих родителей в работе;

8) средства к жизни семьи;

9) больше всего мешают молодым людям;

10) отсутствие профессиональной ориентации;

11) не имеют представления о своем будущем;

12) влияет на весь ваш образ жизни;

13) средняя продолжительность жизни человека;

14) эта сторона вашего будущего.

Exercise 2. Match the pairs of the sentences expressing the same idea.

1. In the past the variety of work activity available to a person was limited. 1. Very often, those who are most interested in and successful in their careers are most satisfied with life.
2. Women have become an important part of the work force. 2. Many young people do not know where they are going occupationally.
3. Some young people have no career goals. 3. There was not much choice about the kind of work a person could do.
4. How successful you are in life is largely measured by your success in your work. 4. The role of women in the working world has increased.
5. People who have successful careers often find that their success is accompanied by happiness, satisfaction in life. 5. Success in your work influences all aspects of your life.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What is the major factor in a person’s identity?

2. How does the work a person does to earn a living influence his way of life?

3. Successful work activity is necessary to achieve personal happiness, isn’t it?

4. What opportunities of choosing work were available to people in the past?

5. Why do you think young people have less opportunity to closely observe work activity today?

6. According to psychologists what is the thing that most disturbs young people nowadays? Do you agree?

Part II

Exercise 1. Look through the following text and choose from the three

variants below the most suitable title for it. Say which places of the text promoted your choice.

1. Major Facets of Your Life.

2. Work and Your Lifestyle.

3. Typical Lifestyle Patterns.

Text B

Life is made up of relationships with people, places, and things. Your use of time in these relationships is called your lifestyle. These relationship may be grouped into four major facets of your life and diagrammed to show a “picture” of young lifestyle. Since everyone has a set of values (things that are important), lifestyle patterns are also different. One person may place about the same value on and give about the same amount of time to each of these four facets. Such a lifestyle pattern would look something like this:

Most people, however, do not place equal value on or give equal time to each facet of their life relationships. More typical lifestyle patterns would be similar to these:

Each major facet of your life in some way affects all of the others. Notice that career was placed at the centre in each lifestyle pattern because it is the central activity around which we plan our daily lives.

As a student, your lifestyle is determined by your role as a student. It is the central activity around which you plan your daily life. Your identity is that of a student. When you are introduced to another person, you may be asked, “Where do you go to college?” or “What year are you in?” As you approach adulthood, you will assume a new identity, and it will be determined mainly by the kind of work you do to earn a living. After being introduced to another person, you may be asked, “What do you do?” “What kind of work do you do?”, or simply, “Where do you work?” While other things make up a part of your identity, the work you do is the chief ingredient. If you are concerned about your identity – who you will become – remember that the work you do largely identifies you to others.

Exercise 2. Arrange the words given below according to the logical order of Text B:

A person’s main identity comes from the ... or position. “What do you do?” comes to be the ... question, and from the answer the person is ... and placed in status by the stranger who makes the inquiry. The answer will tell a great deal about the significance this person has in ..., about his ..., his education, his level of living, his associations, his income, his friends, his future, and so on. ... is probably the most important key to understanding a man’s place in the social structure.

Identified, work, key, leisure time, job, society.

Exercise 3. Read the following and think of 10–12 jobs that can be predicted as most important for Russia of 2020.

From recent studies research agencies predict the following jobs will take up more than half the work force in the United States of the XXI century:

1. Computer programmer
2. Dentist
3. Dietitian      
4. Financial expert
5. Geologist  
6. Medical technician   
1. Oceanographer  
2. Physician
3. Psychologist  
4. Repairman  
5. Salesman    
6. Social scientist

Exercise 4. Arrange the following sentences to compose an orderly and complete text:

1. Only through work can they feel creative and useful and have a sense that life is worth living.

2. But to be happy and content they must work outside the home.

3. Some women have to work to be happy – no matter how much money a husband earns.

4. For them to live is to work.

5. They may be professional people, creative people, or only routine workers whose household help, baby-sitters, and extra taxes take about every cent they make.

Read and translate the text.

Text C. Why We Work

You have now seen that working affects your total lifestyle and that almost all of us can expect most of our adult lives working. Why do people work? Basically, they work for three reasons:

1. Money (economic) to provide for psychical needs.

2. Contact with people (social) for the feeling of loving or belonging.

3. Self-esteem (psychological) for self-respect and pride.

If you were asked the question, “Why do you want to work?”, your first answer might well be, “For money!” This indeed is a good reason. Based on the cost of living today and the outlook for the future, you will need at least half a million dollars to pay for the goods and services you will purchase during your lifetime.

Some of these goods and services are necessary for your life and well-being. These necessities include such goods as food, clothing and shelter (housing). Some services are also necessary. These include medical attention and education. An automobile is also a necessity if you must have one to get to work or to the places where necessary goods and services are purchased.

None of us is satisfied with only being able to purchase the goods and services which are necessary. Our wants exceed our needs: whatever you desire in addition to the necessities of life is called a luxury. Of course a necessity to one person may be a luxury to another. Money is only one reason for working. There are other important ones.

People need contact with others, although the amount of contact they need varies greatly from one person to another. One of the most hated forms of punishment is to be placed “in solitary”. People are gregarious. They do not like to be alone. It is difficult to imagine a happy person without even one friend or at least someone with from to talk. Work provides opportunities for contact with other people. You will find that your place of work will be a source of social contacts and possibly one or two close friends.

The famous social psychologist Dr. A.H. Maslow, has identified the basic needs of all human beings. His list begins with the most basic needs – life, food and water. After these needs are met, we become concerned about safety. Early man found shelter from the heat, cold, wind, and rain by living in caves or cliffs, or by building crude houses in trees. This protection also provided shelter from dangerous animals. Today people live in homes and apartments which provide protection from the elements.

Once safety needs are met, we look for companionship and affection. Finally, when all these needs have been met, we seek status with other. This is known as self-esteem. It means that you feel good about yourself. Your outlook on life (your satisfaction with life) depends to a large extent upon how you feel about your work. The importance of work is not the same for everyone. Some think work is important only because it provides the money to enjoy some leisure-time activity. To others, it is indeed a way of life.

How successful you are in life is largely measured by your success in your work. Being successful on a job which interests you helps you to develop a sense of pride. It gives you self-respect. Very often, those who are most interested in and successful in their careers are the people who are most satisfied with life.

Job success is the chief way we measure our own usefulness, our worth. Naturally, this has a great effect upon one’s personality. Without self-respect, you cannot accept yourself as being a person of worth. If you cannot accept yourself as a worthy person, you cannot accept others as worthy people and be truly concerned about them.

As you can see, you receive many benefits from working. However, you will not receive all this unless you give something.

What you receive from working depends directly upon what you give to your work.

Notes to the text:

hated – ненавистный;

cost of living – прожиточный минимум;

amount – количество;

whatever – все что; что бы ни

(an emphatic form of “what”).

gregarious – общительный

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions on text C:

1. What are three main reasons why people work?

2. What goods and services are necessary for an average person’s life and well-being?

3. Do you agree that an automobile is a necessity?

4. What does “luxury” mean? What things do you think could be called luxuries?

5. Why is placing in solitary a bad punishment?

6. Why do people seek contacts with other people?

7. What is the principal source of social contacts for a working person?

8. What is self-esteem?

9. The importance of work is not the same for everyone, isn’t it?

10. What is your own outlook on work.

11. Do you think a person can be satisfied with life without being successful in his work?

12. What is the chief way of measuring our own usefulness?

13. Why is self-respect so important?

14. What benefits can a person receive from working?

15. What things do you suppose you must give to your work?

Part III

Exercise 1. Say the following in English:

1. Они живут в обычном доме. 2. Есть ли возможность исследовательской работы в вашем университете? 3. Мужчины и женщины должны получать (зарабатывать) равную плату за равный труд. 4. Студенты сами определяют, в какой группе они хотят учиться. 5. Некоторые молодые люди не понимают значения (ценности) образования. 6. В наше время большинство людей работает на своих рабочих местах не более восьми часов в день пять дней в неделю. 7. Мой отец по профессии юрист. 8. Она прожила во Владивостоке всю свою сознательную (взрослую) жизнь.

Exercise 2. Make up short dialogues as shown in the model:

Model: A: When did you visit Moscow? (1)

B: During my summer holidays (2)

A: (For) how long did you stay there? (1)

B: For about a fortnight.

1) to come to see, to stay
2) to speak to somebody
3) to begin to feel ill, to keep to bed
4) to return, to stay
5) to learn to play tennis
his illness
the break
the examination on Monday
last summer
fifteen minutes
 five minutes
two weeks
the week-end
about a month

Exercise 3. Do you agree with the statement? Give your arguments.

The best time to talk anybody into anything is during a good meal.

Exercise 4. Say what you think about the following:

1. Young people who have occupational goals will be successful workers.

2. Women are now becoming successful in careers that used to be open only to men.

3. Career is the central activity around which we plan our daily life.

4. Woman’s work is never done.

5. Education will not stop for most people when they graduate from school or even college. They will continue their education throughout their lifetime.

Exercise 5. Make up your own lifestyle pattern and describe it to the students of the group.

Exercise 6. Make up the sentences matching these jobs with their corresponding responsibilities:

Job ... deals with ... responsibilities.

1. A lawyer ... 1. ... mind and character formation.

A nurse ...


... typing and sending letters, keeping papers
in order, taking care of business, etc. for
organization or another person.

A teacher ...


... designing and building machines, ships, roads, 
bridges, etc.

A policeman/


... problems of human rights.
5. A secretary ... 5. ... working at a material science.
6. A dentist... 6. ... problems of health and life.
7. An engineer... 7. ... keeping public order.
8. A salesperson... 8. ... taking care of teeth.

A cook ...


... the occupation of publishing,
editing or writing for a newspaper
10. An economist ... 10. ...the production and distribution of goods.
11. A pilot ... 11. ...selling goods in a shop or a store.
12. A manager ... 12. ...navigating aeroplanes.
13. A scientist ... 13. ...preparing food for the table.
14. A journalist ... 14. ...directing an enterprise or business.

Exercise 7. Pick out (from ex. 6) a few occupations you consider as most important for modern society. Give your reasons.

Exercise 8. Act out the following jokes.

1. Wife: Have a look at the cake. I’ve decorated it for my birthday party. Don’t you think my sense of design is wonderful?

Husband: (counting the candles): Well, it’s certainly better than your arithmetic.

2. Once Samuel Johnson, an English writer and author of the famous “Dictionary of the English Language”, was asked how he had compiled his great dictionary. He smiled and answered: “Oh, it was like quarreling with one’s wife – one word led to another”.

3. Manager: How long have you worked at your last job?

Job applicant: Fifty – five years.

Manager: How old are you?

Job Applicant: Forty – five.

Manager: How could you work 55 years on a job and only be 45 years old?

Job applicant: Overtime.


quarrel – ссориться;

job applicant – нанимающийся на работу;

overtime – сверхурочная работа.

Topics: Money. Managing Money
Grammar: Gerund

Part I

Preliminary Exercises

Exercise 1. Transcribe and pronounce the following words:

value, frequency, availability, monetary, influence, care, luxuries, opportunities, acquire, financial, awareness, clothes, necessities.

Exercise 2. Recognize the words formed according to the pattern. Translate the sentences containing these words into Russian.

Pattern: V + - ment = N

Example: manage + - ment = management

1. A spending plan or budget is a means of money management.

2. Making and using a budget is difficult at first and demands development of good habits in money matters.

3. Modern sport equipment sometimes is rather costly.

4. Any extra money she has for luxuries and entertainment comes from her own earning.

5. The financial agreement was reached between the parties.

6. Full employment is a desirable social goal.

7. The experience of unemployment – of not being able to find a job when you want one – can be painful.

Exercise 3. Say which of the words given below could be explained like this:

a) an action or a state; b) the result of the action. Use them in sentences of your own.

Advertisement, management, equipment, statement, development, payment, employment, enjoyment, announcement, requirement.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of advertisements can one come across in newspapers?

2. What were the biggest scientific achievements in the 20th centuries?

3. Do you notice any improvement in your English since last year?

4. What are the requirements for entering the Far East State Technical University?

5. Do you have any habits of money management?

6. Do you usually read the announcement on the notice – board?

7. What arrangements do you usually make for a journey?

8. What appointment would you like to obtain after leaving the University?

Exercise 5. Complete the box where possible. Use your dictionary to check the words you have written. Translate all the words in the box.

verb -er / -or - ment - ing
1. manage
2. payment
3. advertising
4. buyer

Words and word combinations to be remembered:

Availability (n) – наличие, доступность

Available (a) – имеющийся в наличии, доступный

Afford (v) – позволить себе

Money (n) – деньги

Monetary (a) – денежный

Measure (v) – измерять

measure (n) – мера

goods (n) – товар, товары

consumer goods – потребительские товары

cost (v) – стоить

cost (n) – стоимость

costly (a) – дорогой

costs (n) – затраты, издержки

expenses (n) – расходы

earn (v) – зарабатывать

earnings (n) – заработок, заработная плата

earning power – способность зарабатывать

financial resources – финансовые источники

bill (n) – счет, банкнота

benefit (n) – благо, выгода

pay (v) – платить

payment (n) – плата, платеж

item (n) – изделие, вид товара

increase (v) – увеличивать, возрастать

needs (n) – потребности, нужды, запросы

luxury (n) – предмет роскоши

necessities (n) – предметы первой необходимости

acquire (v) – приобретать; овладеть

save (v) – экономить, копить, откладывать

waste (v) – растрачивать, тратить впустую

essential (a) – существенный

value (n) – ценность, стоимость

worth (a) – стоящий, имеющий ценность

worthless (a) – не обладающий ценностью

how much is it worth? – сколько это стоит?

Read Text A and translate it.

Text A. Money

1. Three of the most important personal resources are time, energy, and money. We use time and energy in every phase of everything you do. We use energy even when sleeping, for then body is at work rebuilding itself. Money is not quite so integral a part of our lives: there are things – like sitting on a log – that we can do without it. We do however, live in a world where money is in constant use. We use it to reach many of our goals.

2. Money is a standard of economic value, frequently, the answer to the question “How much is it worth?” can be given in dollars and cents. By itself, however, a dollar bill is worthless. It is just a piece of paper. It has value because everyone agrees that it has value. People are willing to say that a banana is worth five cents and that a refrigerator is worth $ 200. The person who sells the banana is willing to accept five cents as a payment. The buyer is willing to pay that much.

3. One reason the seller is willing to accept money for something of more immediate value is that he can keep the money. He can spend it later for something which he wants. Money, then, is not only a measure of value, it is a store of value. It can be kept for future needs. As you must as know, person’s money resources can either increase or be depleted.

4. Money is also a measure of price – of how much something costs. This monetary price is the determined by a number of factors, one of the most important of these is availability. If there is only one or two of an item, it will cost more than if there are seven thousand. The price also depends on how much an item costs to make. If a house costs $ 10.000 to build, you will probably not be able to buy it for $ 6.000.

5. What does money mean to you? Your attitudes toward money influence the way you use it. Money is needed to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and other basic necessities. For those who can afford it, money can be used for nonessential items, or luxuries. Apart from direct material benefits, money can buy opportunities in the form of education, travel and recreation. As a means of acquiring goods and services, it can confer feelings of safety and security. Some people, in the hope that other will think better of them, buy showy, costly, consumer goods.

6. The years after school present new opportunities and challenges for the management of financial resources. For many, the young adult years will involve new problems of money management. You yourself may be contemplating leaving home for the first time to attend the University, take a job, join the armed forces, or embark on marriage. Review now your past experience in managing your financial resources. Have you saved to pay your own expenses for a trip, to buy your own clothes, books, or hobby equipment?

7. If you have already begun to earn, save and spend, you have probably established some habits of money management. For a time, you may continue to receive financial help from your family, even after leaving home. Such help may be your basic financial resource. You may receive stipend for your education. But first and foremost among adult financial resources is earning power.

Word Study

Exercise 1. Arrange the words into the opposite pairs. Give their Russian equivalents.

Worth, willing, seldom, nonessential, important, costly, unimportant, worthless, frequently, cheap, basic, unwilling, essential.

Exercise 2. Arrange the words into pairs of synonyms and translate them.

Necessities, opportunity, costly, needs, to increase, chance, to go up, eager, to accept, expensive, willing, to take, permanent, energy, goal, constant, power, aim.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Exercise 4. Look at the list of words below. The words on the left are from the text A. Choose the pairs in which the word or phrase on the right has the same meaning as the word or phrase on the left.

1) basic necessities – needs

2) material benefits – goods

3) a measure – a means

4) to keep for future – to save

5) availability – a store

6) luxuries – nonessential items

7) to be willing – to want

8) to earn – to make one’s living

9) consumer goods – goods for everyday use

10) expenses – prices

11) security – being guarded

12) payment – salary

13) to advertise – to publicize

14) safety – being out of danger

15) an item – a thing

16) available – being at one’s disposal

17) financial resources – money means

Exercise 5. Translate the following:

1. Bad money. 2. Money bag. 3. Time is money. 4. To make money. 5. To be worth money. 6. To marry money. 7. To spend money. 8. To be short of money. 9. To be in the money. 10. Your money or your life! 11. Money bag(s) (sl). 12. Paper money. 13. Ready money. 14. A piece of money. 15. To coin money. 16. To come into money. 17. Money matter.

Exercise 6. Paraphrase the following using the word under discussion:

1) a rich person; 2) to cost much; 3) to earn one’s living; 4) false, not real banknotes or coins; 5) to be getting rich very rapidly; 6) bank-notes which can be used instead of coins; 7) to be poor; 8) to marry a rich person; 9) to be very rich; 10) a coin.

Exercise 7. Insert articles where required.

1. She always spent ... money when she was depressed.

2. All she thinks of is ... money.

3. He took ... money from his pocket and showed it to me.

4. ... hidden (спрятанные) money was never discovered.

5. She took ... money and put it into her purse.

6. They think they’ll earn ... good money.

7. He had a talent for making ... money.

8. Here is ... money I borrowed from you. Thank you for lending it to me.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences:

1. Где деньги, которые я тебе дала? – Я часть истратила вчера, а остальные в кошельке.

2. Эта книга стоит очень дорого.

3. Деньги для него ничего не значат.

4. Где ты взял эти деньги? – Я нашел их.

5. Неужели мы истратили уже все деньги, которые получил отец? – Мы истратили их еще неделю тому назад.

6. Все его деньги лежат в банке.

7. Ваши деньги нашлись (turn up). Вот они.

8. Мать оставила ему немного денег, достаточно, чтобы купить дом.

Grammar Study

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following passage paying attention to the Gerund.

Learning to use money wisely isn’t easy. Some people waste money without even knowing it. Learning to manage money is like learning to drive a car, because it gets easier as you become more experienced. Managing your money, like driving your car, requires your developing good habits. Good drivers or good managers need not work any harder than the poor drivers or poor managers. They know what to do and do it with the confidence that comes from developing competency in driving – or in managing money.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the Gerund. Use the following verbs as prompts: manage, earn, acquire, waste, pay, buy, save, spend, lose, advertise.

1. Does your job involve ... people?

2. I don’t enjoy ... money.

3. He had to postpone ... education in the University.

4. You risk ... your financial resources.

5. You’d better avoid ... luxuries.

6. I consider ... a very effective means of promoting trade.

7. Have you finished ... for your house?

8. I can’t imagine George ... so much money.

9. He admitted ... the car, but denied ... the company money.

Exercise 3. Join two sentences to make one sentence with the Gerund.

Mind using the Gerund after the following expressions:

Example: Don’t get a taxi. It’s not worth it. – It’s not worth getting a taxi.

1. Don’t smoke. It is waste of money.

2. Don’t buy this house. It is not worth it.

3. Don’t buy a car if you don’t want to drive it. It’s no use.

4. Don’t waste so much money. It is no use.

5. Don’t advertise this item. It’s not worth it.

6. Don’t sell these books if you don’ need money. It’s not good.

7. Don’t buy things you don’t need. It’s waste of money.

8. Don’t read this book. It’s rubbish. It’s waste of time.

Exercise 4. Complete the following situations using sentences with “be/get used to doing smth”.

Example: Bill doesn’t have any money. He doesn’t find this unusual because he has never had any money. He is used to having no money.

1. Connie earns her own money. She doesn’t mind this. She has been earning her money for the last two years. She ... .

2. Connie saves some of her money. She doesn’t mind it. She has been saving for the last six month. She ... .

3. He’s the boss. He managed people. He’s been managing this firm for a number of years. He ... .

4. He is in advertising. He likes advertising. He enjoys it. He ... .

5. She buys only necessities. She doesn’t mind it. She’s been saving for traveling and recreation lately. She ... .

6. They plan and control money carefully. They’ve avoided many family problems by planning and controlling money. They ... .

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using active and passive Gerund:

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences using the Gerund:

Text Study

Exercise 1. Give the main points of the text answering the following questions.

1. What is money?

2. Why does the author say that a dollar bill is worthless?

3. Why is the seller willing to accept money?

4. What is monetary price determined by?

5. What is money needed for?

6. Does money provide only direct material benefits?

7. What problems of money management do young adults come across?

8. Have you established any habits of money management yet?

9. What is the most important among adult financial resources?

Exercise 2. Say whether these statements are true or false and give your arguments.

1. Money is a standard of economic value.

2. A dollar bill is quite worthless.

3. The monetary price is determined by a number of factors.

4. Money is needed to provide basic necessities.

5. Money can buy only direct material benefits.

6. The years after school involve new problems of money management.

7. The years after school present new opportunities for the management of financial resources.

Exercise 3. Give some facts from the text to explain the following statements:

1. By itself a dollar bill is worthless because ... .

2. A dollar bill has value because ... .

3. Money is not only a measure of value because ... .

4. Availability is very important among factors which determine the monetary price because ... .

5. The seller is willing to accept money because ... .

6. Money is needed because ... .

7. Money can confer feelings of safety and security because ... .

Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

В учебное пособие входят упражнения, направленные на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности. Тексты, составленные на основе оригинальных английских и американских источников, включают такие темы, как «Трудовая деятельность», «Роль денег в обществе», «Права и обязанности личности», «Природные ресурсы», «Виды производства».<br /> Предназначено для студентов вторых курсов технических вузов.

 Бочарова Е.П., Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А., Рутковская Г.Л. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

Бочарова Е.П., Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А., Рутковская Г.Л. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

Бочарова Е.П., Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А., Рутковская Г.Л. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие

В учебное пособие входят упражнения, направленные на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности. Тексты, составленные на основе оригинальных английских и американских источников, включают такие темы, как «Трудовая деятельность», «Роль денег в обществе», «Права и обязанности личности», «Природные ресурсы», «Виды производства».<br /> Предназначено для студентов вторых курсов технических вузов.

Внимание! Авторские права на книгу "Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Учебное пособие" (Бочарова Е.П., Городецкая Е.Я., Евсюкова Е.Н., Курылева Л.А., Рутковская Г.Л.) охраняются законодательством!