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Юридическая Dr. Hong Xue Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

Данные по печатному изданию
ISBN печатный: 978-5-6052569-4-6
Формат книги: 60х90/16
Оформление: Переплет
Количество страниц: 112
Размеры (ВхШхТ, мм): 218 X 146 X 11
Вес: 246 гр
Год издания: 2024
Жанр: Юридическая
Издательство: Проспект 2024
Дата размещения: 10.09.2024
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 112 стр.
На складе: 32 шт.
руб. 375 руб.
печатная версия

Описание книги "Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph"

The book is a monograph to comprehensively research all the critical legal issues involved in cross-border e-commerce in China. It provides an in-depth study regarding the unique Chinese legal system in the field of e-commerce, and reflects the world-leading Chinese e-commerce practices. The book places the refined and summarized Chinese e-commerce legal paradigm in the context of the relevant international legal system, highlighting the forward-looking, open and globalized characteristics of China’s legal thinking.
The book is not limited to research digital trade law, but extends to the other key legal issues related to paperless trade facilitation, consumer protection, personal information protection, intellectual property protection, cybersecurity and data security, trade in data, dispute resolution and international cooperation, so as to present a holistic legal view regarding the cross-border e-commerce laws in China.
Legislation updated as of June 27, 2024.
The book that decomposes each important legal system, provides the insightful research and analyzes the relevant practical cases will be a useful handbook for researchers, practitioners and other audience.

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Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

The book is a monograph to comprehensively research all the critical legal issues involved in cross-border e-commerce in China. It provides an in-depth study regarding the unique Chinese legal system in the field of e-commerce, and reflects the world-leading Chinese e-commerce practices. The book places the refined and summarized Chinese e-commerce legal paradigm in the context of the relevant international legal system, highlighting the forward-looking, open and globalized characteristics of China’s legal thinking.<br /> The book is not limited to research digital trade law, but extends to the other key legal issues related to paperless trade facilitation, consumer protection, personal information protection, intellectual property protection, cybersecurity and data security, trade in data, dispute resolution and international cooperation, so as to present a holistic legal view regarding the cross-border e-commerce laws in China.<br /> Legislation updated as of June 27, 2024. <br /> The book that decomposes each important legal system, provides the insightful research and analyzes the relevant practical cases will be a useful handbook for researchers, practitioners and other audience.

 Dr. Hong Xue Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

Dr. Hong Xue Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

Dr. Hong Xue Laws and Practices of Cross-Border E-Commerce in China. Monograph

The book is a monograph to comprehensively research all the critical legal issues involved in cross-border e-commerce in China. It provides an in-depth study regarding the unique Chinese legal system in the field of e-commerce, and reflects the world-leading Chinese e-commerce practices. The book places the refined and summarized Chinese e-commerce legal paradigm in the context of the relevant international legal system, highlighting the forward-looking, open and globalized characteristics of China’s legal thinking.<br /> The book is not limited to research digital trade law, but extends to the other key legal issues related to paperless trade facilitation, consumer protection, personal information protection, intellectual property protection, cybersecurity and data security, trade in data, dispute resolution and international cooperation, so as to present a holistic legal view regarding the cross-border e-commerce laws in China.<br /> Legislation updated as of June 27, 2024. <br /> The book that decomposes each important legal system, provides the insightful research and analyzes the relevant practical cases will be a useful handbook for researchers, practitioners and other audience.

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