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Описание книги "Fire Smoldering Under Water"This event was expected! The book about people’s stories and psychological traumas written by authors who had personal experiences themselves and now work with it. Russian psychologist Anastasiya Kuznetsova and Belgian psychotherapist Jean Batist Butera tell about the most intimate without any fantasy and censorship. The frankness in the narration of their own suffering from distressing life experiences is unique! The person is born for creation and joy and tragedies can’t stop it. РецензииНаписать рецензиюС книгой "Fire Smoldering Under Water" автора Kuznet ova Ana ta ia, Butera Jean Bati t также читают:Внимание! Авторские права на книгу "Fire Smoldering Under Water" ( Kuznet ova Ana ta ia, Butera Jean Bati t ) охраняются законодательством! |