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Книги на иностранных языках Han  C.A. The Snow Queen - Animated

The Snow Queen - Animated

Данные по печатному изданию
Жанр: Книги на иностранных языках
Издательство: Public Domain
Дата размещения: 28.01.2014
ISBN: 9785392029068
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 63 стр.
66.00 руб.
электронная версия

Описание книги "The Snow Queen - Animated"

WOW! Lively animated illustrations that you have never seen before!

"The Snow Queen" is one of the most beautiful tales written by famous Danish writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen. The book, presented here, strongly differs from similar editions. It is richly decorated by unique animation, made on the base of delightful illustrations - the work of Boris Diodorov, a great Russian artist and illustrator, repeated holder of the Order of Andersen, instituted by Danish royal family. It's possible to list endlessly the set of qualities and advantages of this book, and all of them will be true, but... seeing is believing!

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The Snow Queen - Animated

WOW! Lively animated illustrations that you have never seen before!<br /> <br /> &quot;The Snow Queen&quot; is one of the most beautiful tales written by famous Danish writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen. The book, presented here, strongly differs from similar editions. It is richly decorated by unique animation, made on the base of delightful illustrations - the work of Boris Diodorov, a great Russian artist and illustrator, repeated holder of the Order of Andersen, instituted by Danish royal family. It&#39;s possible to list endlessly the set of qualities and advantages of this book, and all of them will be true, but... seeing is believing!

 Han  C.A. The Snow Queen - Animated

Han C.A. The Snow Queen - Animated

Han C.A. The Snow Queen - Animated

WOW! Lively animated illustrations that you have never seen before!<br /> <br /> &quot;The Snow Queen&quot; is one of the most beautiful tales written by famous Danish writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen. The book, presented here, strongly differs from similar editions. It is richly decorated by unique animation, made on the base of delightful illustrations - the work of Boris Diodorov, a great Russian artist and illustrator, repeated holder of the Order of Andersen, instituted by Danish royal family. It&#39;s possible to list endlessly the set of qualities and advantages of this book, and all of them will be true, but... seeing is believing!

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