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Книги на иностранных языках Ander en H.C. Little Tiny or Thumbelina

Little Tiny or Thumbelina

Данные по печатному изданию
Жанр: Книги на иностранных языках
Издательство: Public Domain
Дата размещения: 11.04.2013
ISBN: 9785392043712
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 23 стр.
66.00 руб.
электронная версия

Описание книги "Little Tiny or Thumbelina"

The childless woman on the advice of the sorceress raised from seed in a tulip girl inch rise - Thumbelina. Cradle for it was the nutshell, the boat - a tulip petal in a dish with water and flowers, where the girl was swimming and singing. One night it stole the toad to make the bride for his son"s outrageous.

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Little Tiny or Thumbelina

The childless woman on the advice of the sorceress raised from seed in a tulip girl inch rise - Thumbelina. Cradle for it was the nutshell, the boat - a tulip petal in a dish with water and flowers, where the girl was swimming and singing. One night it stole the toad to make the bride for his son"s outrageous.

 Ander en H.C. Little Tiny or Thumbelina

Ander en H.C. Little Tiny or Thumbelina

Ander en H.C. Little Tiny or Thumbelina

The childless woman on the advice of the sorceress raised from seed in a tulip girl inch rise - Thumbelina. Cradle for it was the nutshell, the boat - a tulip petal in a dish with water and flowers, where the girl was swimming and singing. One night it stole the toad to make the bride for his son"s outrageous.

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