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История Bordyugov G.,  Devyatov S., Kotelenet  E. The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

Данные по печатному изданию
ISBN печатный: 978-5-392-43388-9
Формат книги: 60*90/16
Оформление: Переплет
Количество страниц: 160
Размеры (ВхШхТ, мм): 217 X 147 X 14
Вес: 292 гр
Год издания: 2025
Жанр: История
Издательство: Проспект 2025
Дата размещения: 09.02.2016
ISBN: 9785392194995
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 230 стр.
На складе: 92 шт.
руб. 284.20 руб.
электронная версия
руб. 406.00 руб.
печатная версия

Описание книги "The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials"

The XXth Century Political History of Russia presents lecture materials for academics working with undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers of Russian history.
The chapters are an unusual insight into the Russian past, which makes the readers think, analyze and also reconsider some events of the Russian history. It is an exciting blend of stories of the past and future trends, allowing to make forecasts and predictions.

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The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

The XXth Century Political History of Russia presents lecture materials for academics working with undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers of Russian history.<br> The chapters are an unusual insight into the Russian past, which makes the readers think, analyze and also reconsider some events of the Russian history. It is an exciting blend of stories of the past and future trends, allowing to make forecasts and predictions. <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/the_xxth_century_political_history_of_russia_lecture_materials/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

 Bordyugov G.,  Devyatov S., Kotelenet  E. The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

Bordyugov G., Devyatov S., Kotelenet E. The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

Bordyugov G., Devyatov S., Kotelenet E. The XXth Century Political History of Russia: lecture materials

The XXth Century Political History of Russia presents lecture materials for academics working with undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers of Russian history.<br> The chapters are an unusual insight into the Russian past, which makes the readers think, analyze and also reconsider some events of the Russian history. It is an exciting blend of stories of the past and future trends, allowing to make forecasts and predictions. <br><br> <h3><a href="https://litgid.com/read/the_xxth_century_political_history_of_russia_lecture_materials/page-1.php">Читать фрагмент...</a></h3>

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