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Английский и др. языки Васильева Е.А. English verb tenses for lazybones

English verb tenses for lazybones

Данные по печатному изданию
ISBN печатный: 978-5-392-23316-8
Формат книги: 60*90/16
Оформление: Обложка
Количество страниц: 32
Размеры (ВхШхТ, мм): 202 X 140 X 5
Вес: 47 гр
Год издания: 2017
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект 2017
Дата размещения: 23.12.2014
ISBN: 9785392161638
Объем текста: 31 стр.
На складе: 67 шт.
116 руб.
электронная версия
165 руб.
печатная версия

Описание книги "English verb tenses for lazybones"

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as voice, mood, basic verb forms, sentence structures are defined and explained in a form of tables with several examples to each rule. The combined chart of tenses is given in the guide too.

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English verb tenses for lazybones

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as voice, mood, basic verb forms, sentence structures are defined and explained in a form of tables with several examples to each rule. The combined chart of tenses is given in the guide too.

 Васильева Е.А. English verb tenses for lazybones

Васильева Е.А. English verb tenses for lazybones

Васильева Е.А. English verb tenses for lazybones

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as voice, mood, basic verb forms, sentence structures are defined and explained in a form of tables with several examples to each rule. The combined chart of tenses is given in the guide too.

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