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Английский и др. языки Васильева Е.А. English grammar: 50 exceptions

English grammar: 50 exceptions

Данные по печатному изданию
ISBN печатный: 978-5-392-14347-4
Формат книги: 60*90/16
Оформление: Обложка
Количество страниц: 40
Размеры (ВхШхТ, мм): 202 X 140 X 5
Вес: 56 гр
Год издания: 2015
Жанр: Английский и др. языки
Издательство: Проспект 2015
Дата размещения: 23.12.2014
ISBN: 9785392161614
Язык: не указан
Объем текста: 40 стр.
На складе: 0 шт.
60 руб.
электронная версия
85 руб.
печатная версия

Описание книги "English grammar: 50 exceptions"

Grammar rules help to understand the language structure, to see how it normally works.
However, when you learn grammar rules you also have to meet various exceptions that on the one hand may seem confusing at first, but on the other hand they are often the most important cases of the rules. Almost all English grammar rules have some exceptions to them.
One of the ways to remember the numerous exceptions is to make a list of the most common ones. In this reference book you can find the list of fifty most commonly used exceptions in English pronunciation, spelling and grammar.

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English grammar: 50 exceptions

Grammar rules help to understand the language structure, to see how it normally works.<br /> However, when you learn grammar rules you also have to meet various exceptions that on the one hand may seem confusing at first, but on the other hand they are often the most important cases of the rules. Almost all English grammar rules have some exceptions to them.<br /> One of the ways to remember the numerous exceptions is to make a list of the most common ones. In this reference book you can find the list of fifty most commonly used exceptions in English pronunciation, spelling and grammar.

 Васильева Е.А. English grammar: 50 exceptions

Васильева Е.А. English grammar: 50 exceptions

Васильева Е.А. English grammar: 50 exceptions

Grammar rules help to understand the language structure, to see how it normally works.<br /> However, when you learn grammar rules you also have to meet various exceptions that on the one hand may seem confusing at first, but on the other hand they are often the most important cases of the rules. Almost all English grammar rules have some exceptions to them.<br /> One of the ways to remember the numerous exceptions is to make a list of the most common ones. In this reference book you can find the list of fifty most commonly used exceptions in English pronunciation, spelling and grammar.

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